pink-sh / StockMonitoringTool

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Stock Monitoring Tools

This is the source code a the Stock Monitoring Tools Shiny application. The application has been developed on an Ubuntu 16.04 operating system and the following requirements are meant for that platform

System Wide Dependendencies

These dependencies can be installed using the usual sudo apt install command

R libraries

devtools must be installed in order to install some packages from GitHub


The following libraries have to be installed from GitHub


The following libraries can be installed from CRAN

install.packages(c('shiny', 'rmarkdown', 'shinythemes', 'shinydashboard', 'RCurl', 'devtools', 'ggplot2', 'rfishbase', 'shinyBS', 'XML', 'futile.logger'), repos='')


A Dockerfile is provided and can be used to build up containers with the application.

To build and run the application issue the following commands

sudo docker build -t stock_monitoring_tools <Path of the Dockerfile>
sudo docker run -p 3839:3838 stock_monitoring_tools

And then point your browser to http://localhost:3839