pinojs / pino-std-serializers

🌲 A list of standard object serializers for the Pino logger
MIT License
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pino-std-serializers  CI

This module provides a set of standard object serializers for the Pino logger.



Serializes an Error like object. Returns an object:

  type: 'string', // The name of the object's constructor.
  message: 'string', // The supplied error message.
  stack: 'string', // The stack when the error was generated.
  raw: Error  // Non-enumerable, i.e. will not be in the output, original
              // Error object. This is available for subsequent serializers
              // to use.
  [...any additional Enumerable property the original Error had]

Any other extra properties, e.g. statusCode, that have been attached to the object will also be present on the serialized object.

If the error object has a cause property, the cause's message and stack will be appended to the top-level message and stack. All other parameters that belong to the error.cause object will be omitted.


const serializer = require('pino-std-serializers').err;

const innerError = new Error("inner error");
innerError.isInner = true;
const outerError = new Error("outer error", { cause: innerError });
outerError.isInner = false;

const serialized = serializer(outerError);
/* Result:
  "type": "Error",
  "message": "outer error: inner error",
  "isInner": false,
  "stack": "Error: outer error
        at <...omitted..>
    caused by: Error: inner error
        at <...omitted..>


Serializes an Error like object, including any error.cause. Returns an object:

  type: 'string', // The name of the object's constructor.
  message: 'string', // The supplied error message.
  stack: 'string', // The stack when the error was generated.
  cause?: Error, // If the original error had an error.cause, it will be serialized here
  raw: Error  // Non-enumerable, i.e. will not be in the output, original
              // Error object. This is available for subsequent serializers
              // to use.
  [...any additional Enumerable property the original Error had]

Any other extra properties, e.g. statusCode, that have been attached to the object will also be present on the serialized object.


const serializer = require('pino-std-serializers').errWithCause;

const innerError = new Error("inner error");
innerError.isInner = true;
const outerError = new Error("outer error", { cause: innerError });
outerError.isInner = false;

const serialized = serializer(outerError);
/* Result:
  "type": "Error",
  "message": "outer error",
  "isInner": false,
  "stack": "Error: outer error
    at <...omitted..>",
  "cause": {
    "type": "Error",
    "message": "inner error",
    "isInner": true,
    "stack": "Error: inner error
      at <...omitted..>"


Used internally by Pino for general response logging. Returns an object:

  res: {}

Where res is the response as serialized by the standard response serializer.


Used internall by Pino for general request logging. Returns an object:

  req: {}

Where req is the request as serialized by the standard request serializer.


The default request serializer. Returns an object:

  id: 'string', // Defaults to `undefined`, unless there is an `id` property
                // already attached to the `request` object or to the ``
                // object. Attach a synchronous function
                // to the `` that returns an identifier to have
                // the value filled.
  method: 'string',
  url: 'string', // the request pathname (as per req.url in core HTTP)
  query: 'object', // the request query (as per req.query in express or hapi)
  params: 'object', // the request params (as per req.params in express or hapi)
  headers: Object, // a reference to the `headers` object from the request
                   // (as per req.headers in core HTTP)
  remoteAddress: 'string',
  remotePort: Number,
  raw: Object // Non-enumerable, i.e. will not be in the output, original
              // request object. This is available for subsequent serializers
              // to use. In cases where the `request` input already has
              // a `raw` property this will replace the original `request.raw`
              // property


The default response serializer. Returns an object:

  statusCode: Number, // Response status code, will be null before headers are flushed
  headers: Object, // The headers to be sent in the response.
  raw: Object // Non-enumerable, i.e. will not be in the output, original
              // response object. This is available for subsequent serializers
              // to use.


A utility method for wrapping the default error serializer. This allows custom serializers to work with the already serialized object.

The customSerializer accepts one parameter — the newly serialized error object — and returns the new (or updated) error object.


A utility method for wrapping the default request serializer. This allows custom serializers to work with the already serialized object.

The customSerializer accepts one parameter — the newly serialized request object — and returns the new (or updated) request object.


A utility method for wrapping the default response serializer. This allows custom serializers to work with the already serialized object.

The customSerializer accepts one parameter — the newly serialized response object — and returns the new (or updated) response object.


MIT License