pinpox / wallpaper-generator

Generate wallpaper images from mathematical functions
MIT License
49 stars 3 forks source link

Wallpaper generator

Generate random wallpapers from mathematical functions using a color palette (like ~/.Xresources).

Add your own generators in wp-gen.lua.





Batman Equation (because why not?)

Pink Floyd


The project provides a [nix-shell]() with all necesary dependencies and some helpers ready.

# Enter nix-shell
user@host: nix-shell

# Build the project
[nix-shell:~/path] build

There is also a helper function defined, that will allow you to live-preview the generated image. It will run the script on each save and show the image fullscreen.

# Enter nix-shell
user@host: nix-shell

# Preview a generated image
[nix-shell:~/path] preview generator-homograph.png