pioneers / runtime

Firmware for the PiE kit robots and devices
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PiE Runtime Build

Welcome to the PiE Runtime repo! This README will only cover how to install, build, and run Runtime. If you want to learn more info about how Runtime works, or are a new member, please check out our wiki

This is a diagram of the entirety of Runtime. To download and view in detail, see runtime-docs/Runtime-Diagram.png:


Overall Structure

Runtime can be divided into a few neatly containerized parts:

In addition to these parts, there are a number of configuration files for Runtime to manage the various tools that we use. They are listed here, with a brief explanation about what they do:

This README will not go into each of these parts into exhaustive detail; explanations for each part can be found in the corresponding folder's README in the repo as well as our wiki.


Runtime is designed to be used on the Raspberry Pi, and with a distribution of Linux called Raspbian, a slight variant of the extremely popular Debian. We tested Runtime to work well on Linux systems. Only some parts of Runtime work on macOS and may require different commands to compile; no parts of Runtime can operate on Windows. Please use a Linux machine or (preferably) a Raspberry Pi to run Runtime!

Commonly Used Tools

As a baseline, Runtime uses the following commonly used tools that should already be installed on your machine (if you don't have these, ask the Runtime Project Manager to help you install them):

Third-party Library Dependencies

Runtime has the following third-party library dependencies:

Installing Cython

  1. sudo apt-get -y install python3-dev (get <Python.h>,
  2. sudo apt-get -y install python3-pip (get pip)
  3. python3 -m pip install Cython (get Cython using pip)

Installing Google Protobufs and protobuf-c

  1. From download version 1.4.1, i.e. protobuf-c-1.4.1.tar.gz and extract it (for help, click here)

  2. You may need to install some tools (libtool, pkg-config, g++). To install a tool you don't have, run sudo apt-get -y install <tool-name>, replace <tool-name> with what you want to install.

  3. To install Google Protobuf, run:

    1. sudo apt-get -y install protobuf-compiler
    2. sudo apt-get -y install libprotoc-dev
  4. To install protobuf-c, first cd into the folder for protobuf-c-<release>.tar.gz and run:

    1. ./configure
    2. make
    3. sudo make install
    4. sudo ldconfig
  5. (optional) To view protobuf-c documentation:

    1. Install doxygen: sudo apt-get -y install doxygen
    2. Repeat steps 5.i and 5.ii from above in the protobuf-c directory, then do make html
    3. Then navigate to that directory in Explorer/Finder and open the html/index.html file by double clicking on it

To download and extract a tar file from the command line

First, download the tar archive into your current working directory with


Then, extract the files with

tar -xzf protobuf-cpp-<release>.tar.gz

You might need to install wget and tar with sudo apt-get -y install wget tar.

Installing ncurses for Shared Memory UI

The Shared Memory UI allows the user to have a real-time view of data flowing in and out of shared memory. This is analogous to the "shm_cli" among dev_handler_cli, executor_cli, and net_handler_cli. Note that the UI is used in development only as a debugging tool and should not be used in production. The command below will install ncurses on Linux machines:

sudo apt-get -y install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev

Installing Clang Format

Clang Format is used to format code to comply with our code style. Code that is not formatted with Clang cannot be merged into master. After installing, use the runtime script to format code. (See runtime format)

sudo apt-get -y install clang-format

Runtime Script and Usage

We use the bash script runtime in this root directory as the entrypoint to our code. You can call it with ./runtime <args> in this folder. However, you can also have it be callable from any directory by adding it to your PATH variable. This can be done automatically adding the following line to your ~/.bashrc file:

export PATH="$PATH:<path to runtime folder>"

Then either close and reopen the terminal, or do source ~/.bashrc.

If you now type runtime it will list all the possible subcommands you can run. We currently have


The first version of runtime in C was written in the summer of 2020 (when we all had lots of time.... fuck covid and trump) nearly entirely by:

Some inspiration and design was drawn from previous iterations of Runtime and Lowcar, written mostly by:


1: This name has an interesting origin. The code for the devices used to be in a completely separate PiE project called "Hibike" (pronounced HEE-bee-kay). Some members of Hibike who wrote much of the original Arduino code were avid fans of anime. So, they named the project Hibike after the anime "Hibike! Yufoniamu" (Sound! Euphonium). Later, some members who were not such avid fans of anime decided to pronounce "Hibike" as "HAI-bike", which sounds like the two English words "High Bike". Later still, when members decided to refactor the code to be more object-oriented, it was decided that a new name was needed for the project. Ben Liao coined the name "Low Car" as wordplay on "High Bike", and the name stuck.