pipalacademy / sigma

Sigma is a collection of tools to streamline the trainings for Pipal Academy.
MIT License
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Sigma is a collection of tools to streamline the trainings for Pipal Academy.

Documentation: https://pipalacademy.github.io/sigma/


One of the main components of sigma is the dashboard webapp. The dashboard webapp is planned to have the following features.

The Setup

Sigma uses python packaging tool hatch][] for developement.

Install Hatch by running:

$ pip install hatch

Please note that it is suggested that you run this not in a virtualenv, so that you continue to access it even when you switch to a diffent virtualenv.

While the project uses hatch, a Makefile has been added to make it easier to run all the tasks.

Run dashboard app

$ make run
hatch run app
 * Serving Flask app 'sigma.dashboard.app'
 * Debug mode: off
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Running on
Press CTRL+C to quit
 * Restarting with watchdog (inotify)

You can visit the app at


Sigma uses mkdocs-material for documentation.

The source files for the docs are in docs/ directory.

To build docs locally, run make docs and to serve docs with live reload, run make serve-docs.


Sigma is licensed under MIT License.