piperboys / piper

The Piper Programming Language
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The Piper Programming Language


Piper aims to be a general purpose functional language.

This repository contains the interpreter for the piper language specification.



If you plan active development on the piper parser, you'll need to ensure that your $GOBIN environment variable as well as your $PATH environment variables are setup accordingly before the installation of pigeon.

A possible setup in your .bashrc or .zshrc can look like this

# Go related
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin

export GOBIN=$(go env GOPATH)/bin
export GOPATH=$(go env GOPATH)

export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin

This ensures that the pigeon binary gets installed into your $GOPATH/bin directory (usually $HOME/bin) and is also loaded into the $PATH environment variable. After you restarted your terminal, the pigeon -h command should be available and ready to use.

If you installed pigeon beforehand, you'll need to rerun the following command:

go install github.com/mna/pigeon@latest

Running the interpreter

For running the interpreter, you can use the following commands (in the root folder of the project)

# Regenerate the parser from the pigeon.peg file (only necessary if you've changed the .peg file)
pigeon -support-left-recursion -o internal/parser/parser.go internal/parser/pigeon.peg

# Run the interpreter
go run .

# Run the interpreter in repl mode
go run . -repl

# Regenerate parser & running the interpreter (useful for parser development)
pigeon -support-left-recursion -o internal/parser/parser.go internal/parser/pigeon.peg && go run .