pipermerriam / ethereum-datetime

Date-Time utilities for ethereum contracts.
MIT License
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Ethereum Date and Time tools

Contract which implements utilities for working with datetime values in ethereum.

Contract Deployments:

To verify, you need to compare the code on the blockchain with the runtime code which can be gotten from solc contracts/DateTime.sol --optimize --bin-runtime.

Also you can find it already verified at https://etherscan.io/address/0x1a6184cd4c5bea62b0116de7962ee7315b7bcbce#code

DateTime struct

Internally, the following struct is used to represent date-time object.

struct DateTime {
        uint16 year;
        uint8 month;
        uint8 day;
        uint8 hour;
        uint8 minute;
        uint8 second;
        uint8 weekday;


Given an integer year value, returns whether it is a leap year.

Given a unix timestamp, returns the DateTime representation of it.

Given a unix timestamp, returns the DateTime.year value for the timestamp.

Given a unix timestamp, returns the DateTime.month value for the timestamp.

Given a unix timestamp, returns the DateTime.day value for the timestamp.

Given a unix timestamp, returns the DateTime.hour value for the timestamp.

Given a unix timestamp, returns the DateTime.minute value for the timestamp.

Given a unix timestamp, returns the DateTime.second value for the timestamp.

Given a unix timestamp, returns the DateTime.weekday value for the timestamp.

Returns the unix timestamp representation for the given date and time values.