pipeseroni / pipes.sh

Animated pipes terminal screensaver
MIT License
2.45k stars 75 forks source link
bash pipes-sh pipeseroni terminal-screensaver

======== pipes.sh

Animated pipes terminal screensaver.

.. note on taking the screenshots

Font is Inconsolata, font size 24 as in 16x35 pixel per character

Image size is 640x210. A sample command, where terminal at +0+18, window border is 2, terminal is urxvt, seems to 2 pixels as padding:

xsnap -region 640x210+$((2+2))+$((20+2)) -file i/pipes.png

.. figure:: i/pipes.png :target: screencast_

Screenshot of pipes.sh, click to watch a screencast_ on YouTube.

.. _screencast: http://youtu.be/q_nYfR6CVEY

.. contents:: Contents :local: :backlinks: top



If you want to install, you can run:

.. code:: sh

$ make install

By default, it installs to /usr/local; for user home, you can run:

.. code:: sh

$ make PREFIX=$HOME/.local install

Or any PREFIX you prefer.

The Makefile also provides uninstall target.

If you are a Homebrew <http://brew.sh>_ user, you can install via:

.. code-block:: sh

$ brew install pipes-sh


See |pipes.sh(6)|_ for a full list of options.

.. |pipes.sh(6)| replace:: pipes.sh(6) .. _pipes.sh(6): https://pipeseroni.github.io/pipes.sh/pipes.sh.6.html

-t [#]: pipe types

.. note on taking the screenshots

Font is Inconsolata, font size 24 as in 16x35 pixel per character

Image size is 480x140. A sample command, where terminal at +0+18, window border is 2, terminal is urxvt, seems to 2 pixels as padding:

xsnap -region 480x140+$((2+2))+$((20+2)) -file i/pipes.t#.png

+----------+------------------------+----------------------------+ | -t # | Characters | Screenshots | +==========+========================+============================+ | -t 0 | ┃┏ ┓┛━┓ ┗┃┛┗ ┏━ | .. figure:: i/pipes.t0.png | +----------+------------------------+----------------------------+ | -t 1 | │╭ ╮╯─╮ ╰│╯╰ ╭─ | .. figure:: i/pipes.t1.png | +----------+------------------------+----------------------------+ | -t 2 | │┌ ┐┘─┐ └│┘└ ┌─ | .. figure:: i/pipes.t2.png | +----------+------------------------+----------------------------+ | -t 3 | ║╔ ╗╝═╗ ╚║╝╚ ╔═ | .. figure:: i/pipes.t3.png | +----------+------------------------+----------------------------+ | -t 4 | |+ ++-+ +|++ +- | .. figure:: i/pipes.t4.png | +----------+------------------------+----------------------------+ | -t 5 | |/ \/-\ \|/\ /- | .. figure:: i/pipes.t5.png | +----------+------------------------+----------------------------+ | -t 6 | .. .... .... .. | .. figure:: i/pipes.t6.png | +----------+------------------------+----------------------------+ | -t 7 | .o oo.o o.oo o. | .. figure:: i/pipes.t7.png | +----------+------------------------+----------------------------+ | -t 8 | | -\ /\|/ /-\/ \| | .. figure:: i/pipes.t8.png | | | | (railway) | | +----------+------------------------+----------------------------+ | -t 9 | | ╿┍ ┑┚╼┒ ┕╽┙┖ ┎╾ | .. figure:: i/pipes.t9.png | | | | (knobby) | | +----------+------------------------+----------------------------+

-t c[16 chars]: custom pipe

For example, -t cMAYFORCEBWITHYOU.

.. note on taking the screenshot

Font is Inconsolata, font size 24 as in 16x35 pixel per character

Image size is 640x140. A sample command, where terminal at +0+18, window border is 2, terminal is urxvt, seems to 2 pixels as padding:

xsnap -region 640x140+$((2+2))+$((20+2)) -file i/pipes.tc.png

.. figure:: i/pipes.tc.png


Press any key to exit the program, except the following :kbd:Shift + :kbd:Key:

=================== ====================================================== Keys Actions =================== ====================================================== :kbd:P / :kbd:O Increase/decrease probability of straight pipes :kbd:F / :kbd:D Increase/decrease frame rate :kbd:B Toggle bold effect :kbd:C Toggle no colors :kbd:K Toggle keeping pipe color and type when crossing edges =================== ======================================================


(Read full history in |pipes.sh(6)|)

.. _history: https://pipeseroni.github.io/pipes.sh/pipes.sh.6.html#HISTORY

pipes.sh was originally created by Matthew Simpson and posted to the Arch Linux Forums in early 2010. It was also later posted to Gist released in the public domain.

https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=728932#p728932 https://gist.github.com/msimpson/1096939

In 2015, the MIT License was added and the Pipeseroni_ collective was formed to maintain pipes.sh.

.. _Pipeseroni: https://pipeseroni.github.io/

Reporting an Issue

__ https://github.com/pipeseroni/pipes.sh/issues/new?template=BUG.md&title=Brief+bug+summary


Feel free to fork and/or create pull request following the guideline_. If you're contributing, remember your changes will be released under the MIT license.

.. _guideline: CONTRIBUTING.rst


pipes.sh is licensed under the MIT License.