pippiio / aws-rds

Terraform module for deploying AWS RDS resources
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pippiio aws-rds

Terraform module for deploying AWS RDS resources


module "rds" {
  source = "github.com/pippiio/aws-rds.git"

  config = {
    vpc_id     = "vpc-1234556qwer"
    subnet_ids = ["subnet-qwer1", "subnet-qwer2", "subnet-qwer3"]

    engine         = "postgres"
    engine_version = "14.2"

    db_name       = "aws-rds"
    instance_type = "db.t3.small"
    volume_size   = "20"
    multi_az      = true


Name Version
terraform >= 1.2.0
aws ~> 4.0



Name Type Default Required Description
vpc_id string nil yes Id of VPC to deploy to
subnet_ids set(string) nil yes Ids of subnets to deploy to
engine string mysql no Engine type of the database
engine_version string 8.0 no Engine version of the database
db_name string nil no Name of the database
port number 3306 no Port of the database
instance_type string db.t3.small no Instance type of the database ec2
instance_name string db no Name of the databse instance
volume_size number 30 no Volume size of the database
multi_az bool false no Should the Database be multi zone avaliable
username string admin no Root username of the database
client_security_groups set(string) nil no Security group ID's for client
backup_window string nil no Backup window for Database
maintenance_window string nil no Maintaince window for Database
kms_key_id string nil no KMS key used for encryption at rest
iam_authentication bool false no Should the Database enable IAM authentication


Type Default Required Description
string pippi- no A prefix that will be used on all named resources


Type Default Required Description
map(string) nil no A map of default tags, that will be applied to all resources applicable