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Satellite sources of DAB feeds - part 3 #35

Open andimik opened 4 years ago

andimik commented 4 years ago

Summary of closed issue #28 (= Satellite sources of DAB feeds - part 2)

jpuigs commented 3 years ago

Here you have all of them, except 10810 H, which I can't lock correctly. 3 minutes each one.


andimik commented 3 years ago

There are two new (Bavarian) muxes on 7 East, but one does not work properly:


fedi2eti 101 50020 | ni2out --list
Allg�u           (0x1133)
 0 : RADIO 7          (0xdf0b) Pri subch=11 start=656 CUs= 80 PL=eep-2a bitrate=80 DAB+
 1 : RSA Radio LI     (0xd61f) Pri subch=10 start=576 CUs= 80 PL=eep-2a bitrate=80 DAB+
 2 : DONAU 3 FM       (0xd609) Pri subch= 9 start=496 CUs= 80 PL=eep-2a bitrate=80 DAB+
 3 : RSA Radio OAL    (0xd71f) Pri subch= 8 start=416 CUs= 80 PL=eep-2a bitrate=80 DAB+
 4 : RADIO SCHWABEN   (0x1a11) Pri subch= 7 start=336 CUs= 80 PL=eep-2a bitrate=80 DAB+
 5 : ARABELLA BAYERN  (0xd519) Pri subch=21 start=736 CUs= 80 PL=eep-2a bitrate=80 DAB+
 6 : RSA Radio OA     (0xd51f) Pri subch= 5 start=256 CUs= 80 PL=eep-2a bitrate=80 DAB+
 7 : RT1 MEMMINGEN    (0xd88c) Pri subch= 4 start=176 CUs= 80 PL=eep-2a bitrate=80 DAB+
 8 : Galaxy Allg�u    (0x141e) Pri subch= 3 start= 96 CUs= 80 PL=eep-2a bitrate=80 DAB+
 9 : Allg�uHIT        (0x131f) Pri subch= 1 start=  0 CUs= 96 PL=eep-2a bitrate=96 DAB+

(note: there are lots of errors saying [07/10/21 20:52:12] EDI: Unknown TAG Fptt)



The IP is similar to Allgäu, but fedi2eti does not produce a valid eti stream

ODR-DabMod crashes with both inputs (eti file and edi through dvbnet) unfortunately

odr-dabmod eti_voralpen2raw.ini > stdin.raw 
ODR-DabMod version v2.4.2-4-g29424c2-dirty, compiled at Jun 22 2021, 00:48:56
Compiled with features: zeromq output_soapysdr SSE 
Speicherzugriffsfehler (Speicherabzug geschrieben)

There are lots of errors:

ETIPlayer: ignored ETI frame with ERR = 0xF0 and EDI: Unknown TAG Fptt


But you will see it in the output (when filtering out all unnecessary data):

fedi2eti 101 50020 2> /dev/null | strings -8 | grep -v UUU 
Alpin FM        
Radio ISW       

The symbol rate has been increased due to the new muxes to 17015 and the frequency is 2 MHz lower than before.


These are all IP addresses on 7 East, thanks to Wireshark:

"Address A","Port A","Address B","Port B","Packets","Bytes","Packets A → B","Bytes A → B","Packets B → A","Bytes B → A","Rel Start","Duration","Bits/s A → B","Bits/s B → A"

I will later change the Readme as there is another progress regarding NRK/Riks and Bundesmux 1/2 reception thru BBFrames.

andimik commented 3 years ago

If needed, this is the logfile for some seconds using edi2edi -v -v -v


I've updated the Readme.

jpuigs commented 3 years ago

Good Job. Thanks. It's strange that all previous muxes work fine and these new ones are "different". Which program needs to be modified to get all working fine ? fedi2edi ?

andimik commented 3 years ago

Well, I am not a programmer, but the bug is already in edi2eti, as its code was re-used for fedi2eti.

So you also confirm, you have no success with Voralpenmux?

newspaperman commented 3 years ago

in my branch I found a workaround for the Voralpen mux.

jpuigs commented 3 years ago

Well, I am not a programmer, but the bug is already in edi2eti, as its code was re-used for fedi2eti.

So you also confirm, you have no success with Voralpenmux?

I confirm.

andimik commented 3 years ago

I've merge the latest development regarding BBframes and the fix for Voralpenmux into the main repository and have adjusted the Readme.

Again many thanks to @newspaperman

Hint: France has postponed its start of the two national mulitplexes to October 2021, so we have to check 5W only then. But I am not sure if they will be fed thru satellite, but I'm confident ...

jpuigs commented 3 years ago


Regarding France, I think they'll feed thought satellite at least on a first phase. If they want to reach fastly all country they need it, look at what did Germany. Let's cross fingers...

mrwish7 commented 2 years ago

Tests have started for France via 5°W.

A few times overnight in the last two weeks, the transponder 11456H 2400 (with the NRJ, Chérie FM, etc DVB-IP FM radio feeds on PID 101 that already work with mpe2mpa) has had its bandwidth increased, changing to 11458H 5780, with a new data PID 1601 carrying ~3.8Mbps of data.


I investigated this data PID last week when it was on air briefly, and it contained two DAB+ multiplexes (Rouen Étendu and Toulouse Local) in IP EDI format, decodable with fedi2eti.

The details were: PID 1601 - Rouen-Etendu Toulouse-Local

It's likely in my opinion that these are "placeholder" tests for the two national multiplexes which will launch in October.

jpuigs commented 2 years ago

Good News. When I'm back home from holidays, I'll check this tp. oftenly.

andimik commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the investigation!! Also in my opinion these were placeholders for the national muxes.

Please also consider where these towns are and why a local mux with only one site should use satellite...

But it seems that all other French muxes use IP (because the Uplink station cannot get both over the air ...)

andimik commented 2 years ago

RAI has changed its symbol rate:


andimik commented 2 years ago


Do you still have the recordings from the french muxes? If yes, could you send me the file as I want to test it with various software.

jpuigs commented 2 years ago

I haven't seen these French tests during this week, I've tried many times......

mrwish7 commented 2 years ago


Do you still have the recordings from the french muxes? If yes, could you send me the file as I want to test it with various software.

Yes, I only have around a 10 second dump of PID 1601 from the evening of 05.08.21, but I've attached it here for you.

Details are as above for the two multiplexes and their IP addresses, they worked perfectly for me using fedi2eti. 11458_pid1601.zip

andimik commented 2 years ago

Thanks @mrwish7

The 30 seconds are fine to test.


I guess we can expect them back only in October. So the tests are over.

Do you have a chance to check on other satellites for - let's say - UK muxes? Like on 27.5 West (my 85cm is too small here in Central Europe, unfortunately)?

jpuigs commented 2 years ago

Yes, I can check 27,5 W. Although signal is lower than some months ago, I can still receive it on a 80 cm, dish. However, I don't get anything from UK beam on 28,2 E with a 120 cm. dish.

mrwish7 commented 2 years ago

I get 27.5°W pretty well here (I’m in England so in the centre of the spot beam used), I don’t think there are any UK DAB multiplexes carried though unfortunately.

The local ones are all carried via fibre or microwave to the transmitters nowadays. The national ones now all being on 28.2°E UK beam (with 9°E also having D1 national/SDL of course, but I think this is either a secondary back-up or being phased out in favour of 28.2°E).

A few years ago some local ones were carried on I think 4.8°E or 9°E alongside the national ones, but this was just as a stopgap until the terrestrial/fibre backhaul was put in place.

jpuigs commented 2 years ago

On 27,5 W, there is a misterious PID on BBC Tp. All other PIDs are known, but this one isn't listed anywhere. It has a bitrate of 900 kbit/s, and it should be a video PID, because all Video PID numbers end with "1". Audio PID numbers end with "2". PID is 7201 (0x1C21) and it's encrypted, of course.... Do you know what is it ?


mrwish7 commented 2 years ago

On 27,5 W, there is a misterious PID on BBC Tp. All other PIDs are known, but this one isn't listed anywhere. It has a bitrate of 900 kbit/s, and it should be a video PID, because all Video PID numbers end with "1". Audio PID numbers end with "2". PID is 7201 (0x1C21) and it's encrypted, of course.... Do you know what is it ?


It’s MHEG data (old interactive system used here from before HBBTV) for the BBC TV channels, the same PID is present unencrypted on the BBC’s DVB-T multiplex here in the UK for which this 27.5°W transponder is a back-up feed.

jpuigs commented 2 years ago

Thanks, I already knew that this Tp. was a back-up feed from DTT MUXes PSB 1 & 3, but I didn't notice it was data PID. I even looked at digitalbitrate.com website, and it is shown, but I looked at columsn at left side. What a beginner's fault !!!!


andimik commented 2 years ago

What about the data transponders listed recently on flysat?

jpuigs commented 2 years ago

I tried, but I have not enough signal to lock them using TBS 5927. Most of them are 16 and 32apsk, so impossible to get them with my 80 cm, dish, receiving just 4-5 dB S/N..... During next months I'll move to a new house, with a big courtyard, and I'll be able to install long-awaited big dishes...


mrwish7 commented 2 years ago

Can you lock 11598 V 2160 1/4 (DVB-S2 QPSK ACM)? This requires less than 0dB C/N supposedly if it is using those parameters! I haven't got an ACM capable card to try it for myself unfortunately.

There is also 10982 V 1000 2/3 (DVB-S2 QPSK, again ACM).

jpuigs commented 2 years ago

It seems this box (TBS 5927) can't handle ACM signals. Quality goes from 100% to 0% continously, I can't lock anything....


andimik commented 2 years ago

Sure, this box can handle those kind of streams. But I cannot believe that bitrate.

jpuigs commented 2 years ago

BBC Transponder, no problems at all....


andimik commented 2 years ago

Well, could you please record them anyway? Although you won't catch the complete data, even some fragments could help me to identify if this is normal data or even something interesting ...

andimik commented 2 years ago

France is testing again, says https://www.digitalbitrate.com/dtv.php?mux=11458&liste=1&live=62&lang=en

But I am not at home.

jpuigs commented 2 years ago

It's not testing.




(During this evening I'll post recorded data from 27.5W)

fabcd14 commented 2 years ago

Hi there, I'm following this thread actively. I was checking this morning, and it was in testing. I made a dump here at 11:20 (France time) : https://fabrik-radio.fr/dump_24082021_1120.ts If you can exploit it 👍 The PID 1601 is not present anymore and the bandwith of the PID 301 has grown up (1.7Mbits/s in this rip), but it seems that it has grown up again to approx. 3mb/s as digitalbitrate said. I tried to rip again at 14:10 but no signal. Too late.

rylecqfd commented 2 years ago


Here are the settings for the current tests on Eutelsat 5W on 11458, H, 5779:

fedi2eti PID: 301, IP:, PORT: 5001 PID: 301, IP:, PORT: 5002

image image

andimik commented 2 years ago


You are on the wrong transponder

It's some MHz higher. 11461 H 5780 QPSK 2/3.

jpuigs commented 2 years ago

Oh Yes !!!! I didn't notice it, as somebody said that the previous (and still working) signal on 11456 weas changed to the new one..... Frequency is 11460,5 H.


In a few minutes I post recordings from 27.5W

andimik commented 2 years ago

m1.zip m2.zip

m2 is currently almost empty.

There is no DLS, no SLS, no announcements at all, and all SIds and labels are just placeholders.

But indeed, these will be the French national DAB muxes m1 and m2. No idea if they will remain on this transponder or move again.

mrwish7 commented 2 years ago

Oh Yes !!!! I didn't notice it, as somebody said that the previous (and still working) signal on 11456 weas changed to the new one..... Frequency is 11460,5 H.


In a few minutes I post recordings from 27.5W

I think the confusion is because the time they did the tests where I caught them earlier this month, 11456H was turned off and replaced by 11458H with the higher symbol rate.

This time they have kept 11456H 2400 on air and added 11460.5H 5780 alongside it with the DAB+ tests on it - presumably so they can gradually switch everything over.

jpuigs commented 2 years ago

27,5 W recordings:




andimik commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the files. They are full of errors, but the fragments do not contain any interesting data.

jpuigs commented 2 years ago

I've been listening to french tests, and there are currently several ones already transmitting. They're not local Multiplexes, they carry real future programmes on both mpx's. Although their names/DLS/SLS are still not transmitted, it has been easy to identify them, I've written them at the end of each row.

Ensemble: towerCast-m1     (0xf001)
 #  Programme Label   Serv.Id.  P/S SubCh Capac.Units   Prot.   Bitrate Mode   
 1: Test_01           (0xf001)  Prm   1   66 (  0- 65)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+     RTL
 2: Test_02           (0xf002)  Prm   2   66 ( 66-131)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+     RTL2
 3: Test_03           (0xf003)  Prm   3   66 (132-197)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+     Fun Radio
 4: Test_04           (0xf004)  Prm   4   66 (594-659)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+     NRJ
 5: Test_05           (0xf005)  Prm   5   66 (660-725)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+     Chérie FM
 6: Test_06           (0xf006)  Prm   6   66 (726-791)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+     Rire et Chansons
 7: Test_07           (0xf007)  Prm   7   66 (792-857)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+     Nostalgie
 8: Test_08           (0xf008)  Prm   8   66 (462-527)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+     Skyrock
 9: Test_09           (0xf009)  Prm   9   66 (528-593)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+     Skyrock Klassiks
10: Test_10           (0xf010)  Prm  10   66 (264-329)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+     Air Zen
11: Test_11           (0xf011)  Prm  11   66 (330-395)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+     Radio Classique
12: Test_12           (0xf012)  Prm  12   66 (396-461)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+     Latina
13: Test_13           (0xf013)  Prm  13   66 (198-263)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+     M Radio

Free CUs on this multiplex =   6 


Ensemble: towerCast-m2     (0xf002)
 #  Programme Label   Serv.Id.  P/S SubCh Capac.Units   Prot.   Bitrate Mode
 1: Test_14           (0xf014)  Prm  14   66 (396-461)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+     RMC
 2: Test_15           (0xf015)  Prm  15   66 (462-527)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+     BFM Business
 3: Test_16           (0xf016)  Prm  16   66 (528-593)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+     BFM Radio
 4: Test_17           (0xf017)  Prm  17   66 (594-659)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+     Europe 1
 5: Test_18           (0xf018)  Prm  18   66 (660-725)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+     RFM
 6: Test_19           (0xf019)  Prm  19   66 (726-791)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+     Virgin Radio
 7: Test_20           (0xf020)  Prm  20   66 (  0- 65)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+     France Info
 8: Test_21           (0xf021)  Prm  21   66 ( 66-131)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+     France Inter
 9: Test_22           (0xf022)  Prm  22   66 (132-197)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+     FIP
10: Test_23           (0xf023)  Prm  23   66 (198-263)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+     France Culture
11: Test_24           (0xf024)  Prm  24   66 (264-329)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+     France Musique
12: Test_25           (0xf025)  Prm  25   66 (330-395)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+     Mouv'

Free CUs on this multiplex =  72 

Updated 10 Oct.

mrwish7 commented 2 years ago

Test_11 is now carrying Radio Classique.

andimik commented 2 years ago

m2 is testing in Paris on 8C


So we really were faster than the French broadcaster ...

jpuigs commented 2 years ago

Test 24 is carrying France Musique Test 25 is carrying Mouv'

I edit my previous post (5 days ago) to include all latest ones,,,,

newspaperman commented 2 years ago

Anyone can check 9°E 12092H? New SIDs 1210 and 1215

andimik commented 2 years ago

Wow! Thanks! There are two new (local!!) ensembles from UK :-)

The PIDs are 1064 and 1065 and the parameters for -s are 0 in their cases.

$ dvbstream -o 8192 | ts2na -p 1065 -s 0 | na2ni | ni2out --list
North Yorkshire  (0xc1b6)
 0 : BBC Radio York   (0xcc37) Pri subch= 1 start=  0 CUs= 96 PL=uep 3 bitrate=128
 1 : Capital Yorkshre (0xc370) Pri subch= 5 start= 96 CUs= 84 PL=uep 3 bitrate=112
 2 : Grt Hits N Yorks (0xc7d0) Pri subch= 2 start=180 CUs= 84 PL=uep 3 bitrate=112
 3 : HITS RADIO N YKS (0xc6ed) Pri subch= 3 start=264 CUs= 58 PL=uep 3 bitrate=80
 4 : Absolute Country (0xcce7) Pri subch= 4 start=322 CUs= 58 PL=uep 3 bitrate=80
 5 : Hope FM          (0xc1e9) Pri subch=16 start=380 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+
 6 : This IsThe Coast (0xcded) Pri subch=17 start=416 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+
 7 : YorkMix Radio    (0xc1ee) Pri subch=19 start=440 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+
 8 : Smooth UK        (0xcace) Pri subch= 6 start=464 CUs= 84 PL=uep 3 bitrate=112
 9 : YO1 Radio Xtra   (0xc9f0) Pri subch=12 start=548 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+


$ dvbstream -o 8192 | ts2na -p 1064 -s 0 | na2ni | ni2out --list
Teesside (0xc190)
 0 :       Magic Soul (0xc3d9) Pri subch=10 start=574 CUs= 58 PL=uep 3 bitrate=80
 1 :    HITS RADIO UK (0xc4e1) Pri subch= 3 start=632 CUs= 58 PL=uep 3 bitrate=80
 2 :    Magic Chilled (0xcee6) Pri subch= 7 start=690 CUs= 58 PL=uep 3 bitrate=80
 3 : Absolute Country (0xcce7) Pri subch=11 start=748 CUs= 58 PL=uep 3 bitrate=80
 4 :   Magic Musicals (0xcaea) Pri subch=14 start=806 CUs= 58 PL=uep 3 bitrate=80
 5 :              TFM (0xc1c7) Pri subch= 1 start=  0 CUs= 84 PL=uep 3 bitrate=112
 6 :    Grt Hits Tees (0xc2c7) Pri subch= 2 start= 84 CUs= 84 PL=uep 3 bitrate=112
 7 :   BBC Radio Tees (0xcb34) Pri subch= 8 start=168 CUs= 96 PL=uep 3 bitrate=128
 8 :    Absolute Rock (0xc7c9) Pri subch=13 start=264 CUs= 58 PL=uep 3 bitrate=80
 9 : Heart North East (0xc5a8) Pri subch= 4 start=322 CUs= 84 PL=uep 3 bitrate=112
10 :        Smooth NE (0xc5a0) Pri subch= 5 start=406 CUs= 84 PL=uep 3 bitrate=112
11 :       Capital NE (0xc571) Pri subch= 6 start=490 CUs= 84 PL=uep 3 bitrate=112


|  PID: 0x0426 (1062)                               ATSC Enhanced-AC-3 Audio  |
|  Service: 0x048D (1165) DAB D1                                              |
|  Single Service PID        Transport:                Discontinuities:       |
|  Bitrate: . 2,238,560 b/s  Packets: ......... 9,287  Expected: ......... 0  |
|  Access: .......... Clear  Adapt.F.: ............ 0  Unexpect: ......... 0  |
|                            Duplicated: .......... 0  PES:                   |
|                            PCR: ................. 0  Packets: .......... 0  |
|                                                      Inv.Start: ........ 0  |
|  PID: 0x0427 (1063)                               ATSC Enhanced-AC-3 Audio  |
|  Service: 0x0492 (1170) SDL NATL                                            |
|  Single Service PID        Transport:                Discontinuities:       |
|  Bitrate: . 2,238,560 b/s  Packets: ......... 9,287  Expected: ......... 0  |
|  Access: .......... Clear  Adapt.F.: ............ 0  Unexpect: ......... 0  |
|                            Duplicated: .......... 0  PES:                   |
|                            PCR: ................. 0  Packets: .......... 0  |
|                                                      Inv.Start: ........ 0  |
|  PID: 0x0428 (1064)                               ATSC Enhanced-AC-3 Audio  |
|  Service: 0x04BA (1210) 1210                                                |
|  Single Service PID        Transport:                Discontinuities:       |
|  Bitrate: . 2,092,488 b/s  Packets: ......... 8,681  Expected: ......... 0  |
|  Access: .......... Clear  Adapt.F.: ............ 0  Unexpect: ......... 0  |
|                            Duplicated: .......... 0  PES:                   |
|                            PCR: ................. 0  Packets: .......... 0  |
|                                                      Inv.Start: ........ 0  |
|  PID: 0x0429 (1065)                               ATSC Enhanced-AC-3 Audio  |
|  Service: 0x04BF (1215) 1215                                                |
|  Single Service PID        Transport:                Discontinuities:       |
|  Bitrate: . 2,092,488 b/s  Packets: ......... 8,681  Expected: ......... 0  |
|  Access: .......... Clear  Adapt.F.: ............ 0  Unexpect: ......... 0  |
|                            Duplicated: .......... 0  PES:                   |
|                            PCR: ................. 0  Packets: .......... 0  |
|                                                      Inv.Start: ........ 0  |

(output from tsduck)

BTW: I was not sure if this is DAB NA as the bitrate for 1064 and 1065 is less than for 1062 and 1063.


mrwish7 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the details of the appearance of the two UK local ensembles on 9°E! It is most likely explained by this - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tees-58163612

These two multiplexes are the two local ensembles affected by the main transmitter being out of service because of the fire. Often in the UK, major sites like this are used to feed the smaller DAB transmitters in the region via microwave links, which are currently out of service at Bilsdale.

Therefore they are likely to be on satellite only temporarily. However, that "temporarily" could be quite a long time depending on how quickly they are able to repair the damage!

jpuigs commented 2 years ago

towerCast-m1 is already broadcasting in Paris, according to digitalbitrate.com

RTL, RTL2 and Fun Radio are testing DLS and SLS.

andimik commented 2 years ago

The service on 5W has been relabeled to DAB_M1_M2


jpuigs commented 2 years ago

Some new tests on French towerCast-m2: RMC, BFM, France Info & France Culture, testing audio. My post from 17 days ago has been edited to include them.

jpuigs commented 2 years ago

Post from August 25th is udpated. All services are on air, but names are still "Test_". France Musique's bitrate has been increased to 176 kbit/s....