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Satellite sources of DAB feeds - part 3 #35

Closed andimik closed 1 month ago

andimik commented 4 years ago

Summary of closed issue #28 (= Satellite sources of DAB feeds - part 2)

jpuigs commented 2 years ago

Today Oct 12th, both french muxes have officialy started broadcasting. France Musique is back to 88 kbit/s.

Ensemble: towerCast-m1     (0xf043)
 #  Programme Label   Serv.Id.  P/S SubCh Capac.Units   Prot.   Bitrate Mode
 1: RTL               (0xf211)  Prm   1   66 (  0- 65)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+
 2: RTL2              (0xf215)  Prm   2   66 ( 66-131)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+
 3: FUN RADIO         (0xf217)  Prm   3   66 (132-197)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+
 4: NRJ               (0xf2f8)  Prm   4   66 (594-659)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+
 5: CHERIE FM         (0xf2f9)  Prm   5   66 (660-725)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+
 6: RIRE ET CHANSONS  (0xf226)  Prm   6   66 (726-791)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+
 7: NOSTALGIE         (0xf2fa)  Prm   7   66 (792-857)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+
 8: SKYROCK           (0xf214)  Prm   8   66 (462-527)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+
 9: SKYROCK KLASSIKS  (0xf2fc)  Prm   9   66 (528-593)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+
10: AirZen Radio      (0xf2fe)  Prm  10   66 (264-329)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+
11: RADIO CLASSIQUE   (0xf221)  Prm  11   66 (330-395)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+
12: LATINA            (0xf21c)  Prm  12   66 (396-461)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+
13: M RADIO           (0xf225)  Prm  13   66 (198-263)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+
Free CUs on this multiplex =   6 

Ensemble: towerCast-m2     (0xf044)
 #  Programme Label   Serv.Id.  P/S SubCh Capac.Units   Prot.   Bitrate Mode
 1: RMC               (0xf216)  Prm   1   66 (396-461)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+
 2: BFM BUSINESS      (0xf227)  Prm   2   66 (462-527)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+
 3: BFM RADIO         (0xf2fd)  Prm   3   66 (528-593)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+
 4: EUROPE 1          (0xf213)  Prm   4   66 (594-659)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+
 5: RFM               (0xf212)  Prm   5   66 (660-725)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+
 6: VIRGIN RADIO      (0xf219)  Prm   6   66 (726-791)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+
 7: FRANCE INFO       (0xf206)  Prm   7   66 (  0- 65)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+
 8: FRANCE INTER      (0xf201)  Prm   8   66 ( 66-131)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+
 9: FIP               (0xf204)  Prm   9   66 (132-197)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+
10: FRANCE CULTURE    (0xf202)  Prm  10   66 (198-263)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+
11: FRANCE MUSIQUE    (0xf203)  Prm  11   66 (264-329)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+
12: MOUV'             (0xf208)  Prm  12   66 (330-395)  eep-3a  88 Kb/s DAB+
Free CUs on this multiplex =  72 
k-otixxx commented 2 years ago

Could anybody post an example for dablin dab player. Thanks in advance. I ve locked signal!

jpuigs commented 2 years ago

I write what I do to receive it. I tune satellite signal with an Enigma Sat Receiver. 11460 H. SR 5780 DVB-S2/QPSK 3/4 R-0.20 You get 10 channels. One of them, is a radio channel called DAB_M1_M2. You have to edit lamedb (manually or using a editor) to include data PID 301 (0x012d hex) which carries both DAB MPXs, and (K) and (P) Flags, to keep modified parameters on that channel and not being overwritten to original ones by enigma background tuning service.

However I do it manually. First STOPPING Enigma, in OpenPli images is done by init 4 in a telnet window. I edit /etc/enigma2/lamedb file , looking for DAB_M1

The lamedb code for this service is:


You have to edit it... and add ,c:15012d,f:5 at third line. c:15012d indicates that a data PID 012d (hex) is included , and f:5 are (K) and (P) Flags.


Then save file and start enigma (init 3 in telnet) and now that channel will include that PID 301, ready for streaming.

Now we go to Ubuntu, it's suposed that you already have DABlin GTK version and ETI-tools (Fedi2eti)

Open a terminal window and write.... wget -q -O- | fedi2eti 301 5001 | dablin_gtk -L -I

for towerCast-m1 , and

wget -q -O- | fedi2eti 301 5002 | dablin_gtk -L -I

for towerCast-m2 is MY Enigma Receiver IP, you have to write yours. -L and -I parameters make dablin work better receiving satellite streams.

Good luck !

k-otixxx commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the tutorial, everything is OK


andimik commented 2 years ago

:warning: : Due to the huge entries I will close this 3rd issue in the next days and prepare a 4th issue (starting with a summary like the previous ones).

But I also want to ask you if you have the same experience with the WDR mux:

If I record the TS in Windows (EBS Pro), then the output of

cat ./23.5E_12644\,940_V_1489_\(2021-10-15\ 16.46.02\)_dump.ts | ts2na -s -3 | na2ni | dablin_gtk

is error-free. :heavy_check_mark:

When I do the same in Linux (using a TBS 5927 DVB-S2 card)

tune-s2 12644 V 1489 -adapter 1 -system DVB-S -modulation QPSK -lnb UNIVERSAL and dvbstream -o 8192 -c 1 | ts2na -s -3 | na2ni | dablin_gtk

then it does not work as the header might be corrupt :heavy_multiplication_x: and I get these lines as output:

INFO:  Using pid: 0x0426 (1062)
WARN:  Forward error correction (FEC) enabled
dvbstream v0.7 - (C) Dave Chapman 2001-2004
Released under the GPL.
Latest version available from http://www.linuxstb.org/
dvbstream will stop after -1 seconds (71582788 minutes)
Output to stdout
Streaming 1 stream
DABlin v1.13.0-9-g4f333ee - capital DAB experience
Plays a DAB/DAB+ audio service from an ETI-NI or an EDI AF stream.

INFO:  E1 Sync found at bit: 424, inverted: no
DEBUG: seek: B:53, b:0
DEBUG: pre-readed output 14 frames (10 bytes left):
na2ni: na2ni.c:546: main: Assertion `eti_skip_frames>=0 && eti_skip_frames < FRAMES_IN_BLOCK' failed.
SDLOutput: using SDL version '2.0.8'
EnsembleSource: reading ETI from 'stdin'
EnsembleSource: EOF reached!

As soon as I skip the first 188 bytes dvbstream -o 8192 -c 1 | dd if=/dev/stdin skip=188 | ts2na -s -3 | na2ni | dablin_gtk it works (every time). :heavy_check_mark:

INFO:  Using pid: 0x0426 (1062)
WARN:  Forward error correction (FEC) enabled
dvbstream v0.7 - (C) Dave Chapman 2001-2004
Released under the GPL.
Latest version available from http://www.linuxstb.org/
dvbstream will stop after -1 seconds (71582788 minutes)
Output to stdout
Streaming 1 stream
DABlin v1.13.0-9-g4f333ee - capital DAB experience
Plays a DAB/DAB+ audio service from an ETI-NI or an EDI AF stream.

SDLOutput: using SDL version '2.0.8'
EnsembleSource: reading ETI from 'stdin'
dd: /dev/stdin: cannot skip to specified offset
INFO:  E1 Sync found at bit: 448, inverted: no
DEBUG: seek: B:56, b:0
DEBUG: pre-readed output 14 frames (7 bytes left):
INFO:  ETI Sync found at pos: 7
INFO:  ETI Multiframe sync found at blockId: 21
.FICDecoder: ASw cluster 0x04: flags 0x0000, SubChId 16
[and so on]


Therefore, I fear, there is a bug in na2ni.

jpuigs commented 2 years ago

Sorry, I have currently no access to 23.5 E, and won't have it at least for a month, but last time I checked it, it worked fine. I tuned it in windows using EBSPRo, and listened live using DABlin on a cygwin window. I always use -L and -I parameters on DABlin when listening live (streaming) from sat. Have you tried them ?

andimik commented 2 years ago

It has nothing to do with dablin

newspaperman commented 2 years ago

It could also be a problem of dvbstream. Did you try with older versions?

andimik commented 2 years ago

No, it's not related to dvbstream, I tried with tsp (see syntax below) and TBS 5927. Even here I had to use this skipping workaround ...

And there is another issue (I guess I have not mentioned that so far).

I tried tune-s2 and tsp (from TS Duck), but with TBS 6903x the WDR cannot be locked correctly.

tsp -I dvb -a 0 --delivery-system DVB-S --fec-inner 3/4 --frequency 12644000000 --modulation qpsk --polarity vertical --symbol-rate 1489000 > /tmp/6903.ts

It's obviously a driver bug (I'm using the TBS open source drivers), as 5927 works (except for the skipping of 188 bytes).

Could you try if you also have these Reed-Solomon corrected 1 errors in row[2]: all the time (and skipped frames) with this file: 6903.zip

But maybe WDR switches to another solution (like Bundesmux) soon as the private mux (on most of the same sites) in NRW will start in some days. Let us check 23.5 East regularly ...

newspaperman commented 2 years ago

Anyone found new private "Mein NRW DAB+" mux already?

andimik commented 2 years ago

In a German forum (where you are user as well) one user said that it's IP only. He seemed to be one of the technicians.

andimik commented 2 years ago

Philippe has added a new section on his page: DAB via Satellite

Currently his software is checking 9E (without EuroDAB and DAB Italia), 28.2E and 5W (but without RAI)





andimik commented 2 years ago

Teesside (PID 1064) has left 9 deg East



andimik commented 2 years ago

And we shall expect the forthcoming nationwide Polish mux (R1) also on satellite, probably on 23.5 East, where lots of analog Polish radio feeds are. Its tender has just started, but the provider is still unknown. So we will see in future ...


mrwish7 commented 2 years ago

New mux has appeared on 10°E. It's the new Salisbury 8A "small-scale DAB" mux from the UK. On the BFBS transponder as they are the operator.

11221V 30000 DVB-S2 QPSK 5/6, service "Salisbury EDI A".

EDI format. PID 701

Screenshot 2022-03-26 143830 2022-03-26

using pid 701 ip port 4000 Output to stdout Streaming 2 streams [03/26/22 16:12:00] Initialise next pseq to 30877 [03/26/22 16:12:00] EDI-AF: Packet sequence error Salisbury (0xc1d8) 0 : Grt Hits S Coast (0xc4e5) Pri subch=15 start=334 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+ 1 : Grt Hits Sals (0xc487) Pri subch=14 start=276 CUs= 58 PL=uep 3 bitrate=80 2 : BFBS Salisbury (0xc991) Pri subch= 1 start= 0 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+ 3 : Like Retro (0xc1f3) Pri subch=10 start=180 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+ 4 : Nation 70s (0xc2ed) Pri subch= 4 start= 24 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+ 5 : Nation 80s (0xc2ef) Pri subch= 5 start= 48 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+ 6 : Nation 90s (0xc2fa) Pri subch= 6 start= 72 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+ 7 : Angel Vintage (0xcdc2) Pri subch= 7 start= 96 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+ 8 : Salisbury Radio (0xc2c1) Pri subch= 8 start=120 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+ 9 : Like One (0xceeb) Pri subch= 9 start=156 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+ 10 : BFBS Edge (0xc4f1) Pri subch=11 start=204 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+ 11 : BFBS Ghurka (0xc2fc) Pri subch=13 start=252 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+ 12 : BFBS Beats (0xced6) Pri subch=12 start=228 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+ 13 : Hot Gold (0xccef) Pri subch=16 start=358 CUs= 18 PL=eep-3a bitrate=24 DAB+ 14 : Hot Radio (0xc481) Pri subch=17 start=376 CUs= 18 PL=eep-3a bitrate=24 DAB+

jpuigs commented 2 years ago

Are there more DAB muxes operated by BFBS ? (In order to expect to see more on this tp.)

mrwish7 commented 2 years ago

Are there more DAB muxes operated by BFBS ? (In order to expect to see more on this tp.)

There's another small-scale DAB multiplex operated by them (Aldershot), but that has been on air for several years now and not appeared on satellite.

However, there's currently a big licensing process taking place in the UK for these small-scale multiplexes, and it's very possible that BFBS will be involved in some of the winning bids, which could mean that more DAB will appear on this transponder in the future.

MusicaFM commented 2 years ago

IMG_20220425_131914 Hola. En las radios de Prisa Hispasat 30W, no se escucha con el reproductor Dablin_gtk ¿Cómo se soluciona?

newspaperman commented 2 years ago

@MusicaFM : don't pipe to dablin_gtk, this is no DAB mux. Just pipe to mplayer like " | mplayer -" or to vlc like " | vlc -- -"

MusicaFM commented 2 years ago

@MusicaFM: no canalice a dablin_gtk, esto no es mux DAB. Simplemente canalice a mplayer como " | mplayer -" o a vlc como " | vlc -- -"

Gracias, lo probaré ☺️

MusicaFM commented 2 years ago

Las radios de prisa funciona con vlc como comenta newspaperman pero ¿Se puede eliminar el buffer osea el retardo? Gracias por la ayuda ☺️

newspaperman commented 2 years ago

I think mplayer offers more possibilities for finetuning. I think it's not only a buffering problem, there is no real container but a pure aac stream, so some samples need to be received until detection of format works. when you pipe to mplayer you can manually set the decoder like "mplayer -ac fflatm -" oder "mplayer -ac ffaac"

MusicaFM commented 2 years ago

I think mplayer offers more possibilities for finetuning. I think it's not only a buffering problem, there is no real container but a pure aac stream, so some samples need to be received until detection of format works. when you pipe to mplayer you can manually set the decoder like "mplayer -ac fflatm -" oder "mplayer -ac ffaac"

Gracias por responder, no soy capaz de reproducirlo con Mplayer Captura de pantalla de 2022-04-26 12-10-48 Captura de pantalla de 2022-04-26 12-12-47 Captura de pantalla de 2022-04-26 12-13-54

MusicaFM commented 2 years ago

Hola ¿Por qué en Qviart lunix 4K con OpenAtv no se me oyen las radios de Prisa por Hispasat 30W pero via streaming si?

musuruan commented 2 years ago

I have no way to check right now, but on an Italian forum a user just stated there are two new DAB test ensembles on 9E @ 11727.

mrwish7 commented 2 years ago

I have no way to check right now, but on an Italian forum a user just stated there are two new DAB test ensembles on 9E @ 11727.

Thanks for this information, I have just checked them now.

They're in V11 format (tsniv2ni), and it's the same two Italian ensembles as are already transmitted on 12034V.

PID 7031: DAB Italia -

tsniv2ni 7031 | ni2out --list
* DAB Italia *   (0x5009)
 0 : RMALB.IA         (0x52cc) Pri subch=15 start=624 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+
 1 : Capital Funky    (0x5285) Pri subch=17 start=696 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+
 2 : M DUE O DANCE    (0x5287) Pri subch=18 start=720 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+
 3 : Radio 24 +1      (0x5282) Pri subch=19 start=744 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+
 4 : Deejay 30 Songs  (0x5283) Pri subch=20 start=780 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+
 5 : Radio Maria      (0x51cc) Pri subch= 1 start=  0 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+
 6 : Radio Radicale   (0x5210) Pri subch= 2 start= 36 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+
 7 : Deejay           (0x5214) Pri subch= 3 start= 72 CUs= 48 PL=eep-3a bitrate=64 DAB+
 8 : R101             (0x5215) Pri subch= 4 start=120 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+
 9 : Kc1Test          (0x5280) Pri subch=12 start=360 CUs= 96 PL=eep-2a bitrate=96 DAB+
10 : Kc2Test          (0x5288) Pri subch=13 start=456 CUs= 96 PL=eep-2a bitrate=96 DAB+
11 : Capital          (0x5219) Pri subch= 5 start=156 CUs= 48 PL=eep-3a bitrate=64 DAB+
12 : M DUE O          (0x5233) Pri subch= 6 start=204 CUs= 48 PL=eep-3a bitrate=64 DAB+
13 : Radio 24         (0x5245) Pri subch= 7 start=252 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+
14 : * RDS * Relax    (0x5281) Pri subch=16 start=660 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+
15 : * RDS *          (0x5264) Pri subch= 8 start=288 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+
16 : 105 DAB          (0x5286) Pri subch=11 start=324 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+
17 : Kc3Test          (0x5289) Pri subch=14 start=552 CUs= 72 PL=eep-3a bitrate=96 DAB+
18 : RR News          (0x5284) Pri subch=21 start=804 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+

PID 7131: EuroDAB Italia

tsniv2ni 7131 | ni2out --list
#EuroDab Italia  (0x5003)
 0 : BBC WorldService (0xc238) Pri subch= 7 start=528 CUs= 42 PL=eep-3a bitrate=56 DAB+
 1 : SUBASIO XL       (0x5fee) Pri subch=20 start=726 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+
 2 : #RTL 102.5 doc   (0x52ef) Pri subch= 9 start=612 CUs= 42 PL=eep-3a bitrate=56 DAB+
 3 : #ZETA dab        (0x5299) Pri subch= 2 start=312 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+
 4 : Radio Italia SMI (0x5220) Pri subch=10 start=  0 CUs= 48 PL=eep-3a bitrate=64 DAB+
 5 : #RTL 102.5 best  (0x5298) Pri subch= 3 start=366 CUs= 42 PL=eep-3a bitrate=56 DAB+
 6 : #RTL102.5 napul� (0x529f) Pri subch= 8 start=570 CUs= 42 PL=eep-3a bitrate=56 DAB+
 7 : RadioItaliaTrend (0x5221) Pri subch=11 start= 48 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+
 8 : *Test*           (0x5279) Pri subch=16 start=840 CUs= 24 PL=eep-4a bitrate=48 DAB+
 9 : Radio Libert�    (0x5276) Pri subch=17 start= 84 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+
10 : #RadioFreccia    (0x5293) Pri subch= 1 start=240 CUs= 72 PL=eep-3a bitrate=96 DAB+
11 : Virgin Radio     (0x5241) Pri subch=19 start=690 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+
12 : KISSKISS         (0x5225) Pri subch=12 start=108 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+
13 : #RTL 102.5 b&s   (0x5296) Pri subch= 4 start=408 CUs= 42 PL=eep-3a bitrate=56 DAB+
14 : #RTL 102.5       (0x5218) Pri subch= 0 start=168 CUs= 72 PL=eep-3a bitrate=96 DAB+
15 : 105              (0x5211) Pri subch=23 start=762 CUs= 42 PL=eep-3a bitrate=56 DAB+
16 : RMC              (0x5213) Pri subch=18 start=654 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+
17 : #RTL 102.5 news  (0x5294) Pri subch= 6 start=486 CUs= 42 PL=eep-3a bitrate=56 DAB+
18 : #RTL 102.5 r&j   (0x5297) Pri subch= 5 start=450 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+
19 : inBlu 2000       (0x5126) Pri subch=21 start=804 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+
20 : RVaticana Ita +  (0x510e) Pri subch=15 start=144 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+
andimik commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the information. According to digitalbitrate.com they started today.

Funny thing is that they even have a label. But PCR is 8191.

Either both will move to this TP or we expect two new ones (rather unlikely).

andimik commented 2 years ago


There seems to be a reduction on ERT DAB. Currently I can't receive this orbital position.

jpuigs commented 2 years ago

A reduction of... what ?? I see no changes, all 7 radios are working.


andimik commented 2 years ago


Zeppelin massively dropped down from 128 kBit to 64 kBit, so that I even could see it in the used ghost PID bandwidth on DVB-S2.. 😁

I guess they need the remaining free capacity for the new Kosmos Jazz program to be added soon.

jpuigs commented 2 years ago

Yes, compared to previous observations, Zeppelin is the only one that has dropped bitrate. It's such a strange thing..... a music station that has less bitrate than voice/talk ones like Proto and Voice of Greece.... 😨

They use EEP 2A protection on all stations, different to 3A which is mainly used on rest of countries. That's why they have so low spare capacity. And using these high bitrates (128 - 136) they could use LC-AAC codec instead of HE-AAC v1 current one.

jpuigs commented 2 years ago

Zeppelin has increased bitrate, from 64 to 136, so I think the Kosmos Jazz won't appear there....

andimik commented 2 years ago

The Italian muxes DAB Italia and EuroDAB have both left 12034V on 9E


On 11727V, EuroDAB is transmitted twice: new PID 1025 and old PID 7131. DAB Italia is still on PID 7031.


jpuigs commented 2 years ago

...and 1025 was the PID which carried this mux on old frequency @ 12034 V....

Maybe somebody has mixed something.......... or maybe it will have different programmes soon....

jpuigs commented 1 year ago

On 5W , 11460 H (where we find M1 and M2 french DAB+ ensembles) , there is another PID, 501, with a suspicious bitrate, like a single DAB stream, 1.2 Mb/s. I've tried to inspect using known dab tools, but I don't find anything. It has 2 multicast addresses , : 7010 and : 8010

Has anybody previously seen it, and discovered what's inside ?



jpuigs commented 1 year ago

North Yorkshire has left 9 E

andimik commented 1 year ago

According to the label this might be multiplexed FM broadcast (probably one channel incl. RDS, sampled at at least 192 kHz). If you open it as wav file you might see the stereo carrier at 19 kHz. So you can find out its sampling rate. You could try to convert it to 192 kHz sampling rate and load it into the latest Rdsspy.

Some years ago two Swedish public radio programs used the same method on 4.8E.

jpuigs commented 1 year ago

What a waste of bandwidth..... sending uncompressed audio !!!

andimik commented 1 year ago

I just could find some free minutes but I guess I was wrong. Mpx from Sweden had a bandwidth of 3 MBit.

And I couldn't detect any text string in it.

So, help appreciated!

andimik commented 1 year ago

Yesterday I tried to find out but no chance. They do not contain any strings and they are neither TS, AAC, wav, mp4 nor mp2.

Maybe a proprietary format ...

jpuigs commented 1 year ago

I tried too, but no results......

mrwish7 commented 1 year ago

It sounds like it's a proprietary format unfortunately.

On a different subject, a transponder that might be worth checking for DAB in DVB-GSE format -

Eutelsat 16°E 11053 H 1496 DVB-S2 ACM/VCM 32APSK 3/4

Will require a high signal level to lock, but it's next to some other low SR frequencies carrying FM feeds for Dutch radio stations.

andimik commented 1 year ago

Well, if you share a GSE TS file, we could analyze it.

This transponder is very weak, indeed, I just get some rare fragments with TBS5927 (although it's not meant for GSE), with TBS6903x no chance to lock with my 85 cm).

$ tune-s2 11054 H 1497 -system DVB-S2 -modulation QPSK -lnb UNIVERSAL -adapter 1
Attempt #1 to connect to gpsd at localhost...
Attempt #2 to connect to gpsd at localhost...
LNB: low: 9750 high: 10600 switch: 11700 
opening: /dev/dvb/adapter1/frontend0
frontend: (TurboSight TBS 5927 DVB-S/S2) fe_type (0) 
fmin 950 MHz 
fmax 2150 MHz 
min_sr 100 Ksps
max_sr 70000 Ksps
LOW band
daemonize -> no (0)

Tuning specs: 
System:     DVB-S2 
Frequency:  11054 H 1497 
22khz:      OFF 
Modulation: QPSK 
FEC:        AUTO 
Inversion:  AUTO 
Rolloff:    AUTO 
Pilot:      AUTO 
$ dvbstream -o 8192 -c 1 - | strings
dvbstream v0.7.01 - (C) Dave Chapman 2001-2004
Released under the GPL.
Latest version available from http://dvbtools.sourceforge.net/
dvbstream will stop after -1 seconds (71582788 minutes)
Output to stdout
Streaming 1 stream
M!  W
mrwish7 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the investigation, unfortunately I only have a TBS6905 which doesn't support above 8PSK so I'm unable to receive it myself to get a TS dump. I just saw that the transponder exists from a screenshot of a recent bandscan on a satellite forum.

andimik commented 1 year ago

On 5W , 11460 H (where we find M1 and M2 french DAB+ ensembles) , there is another PID, 501, with a suspicious bitrate, like a single DAB stream, 1.2 Mb/s. I've tried to inspect using known dab tools, but I don't find anything. It has 2 multicast addresses , : 7010 and : 8010

I found out, one is RTL2, the other might be RTL. But still no way to play it with audio.

mpe2ts 501 7010 | strings -12
using pid 501 ip port 7010

It also contains RDS Radiotext:


I have double checked with the DAB stream, it's the same radiotext like the DLS on DAB.

andimik commented 1 year ago

The German WDR (Radio für NRW) can be received on an additional frequency, some MHzs lower. Maybe the old one will be switched off, as an Austrian SCPC radio transponder has also been switched off recently. Or they split the network into west and east in near future.

see https://github.com/piratfm/eti-tools/commit/b58ed0ac0cc84d37cf8a33d55cc865610d443c76

Screenshot (380)

jpuigs commented 1 year ago

Currently, the WDR DAB MUX has eight WDR2 stations, but looking at WDR Website there are 11. So the ones from ESSEN. DUISBURG and DÜSSELDORF are missing on DAB MUX. It's possible they split MUX....

mrwish7 commented 1 year ago

A couple of the guys on the satellites.co.uk forum tried to help with the 32APSK GSE TP on 16°E, but unfortunately nobody was able to lock it with equipment that could decode it with enough signal quality.

There's another 32APSK one that is probably also GSE, and has a curious bandwidth on Eutelsat 8WB 8°W -

12506 V 4250 DVB-S2 32APSK 3/4

As I have said, I have no 32APSK capable equipment to demux, but this one seems very strong - it locks easily on my Satlink meter with ~11dB C/N on an 80cm dish.

On the subject of WDR on 23.5°E, I find the pseudo-TS can make some cards act strangely. I can successfully receive and decode the raw data in eti-tools when using my PCIe TBS6905, but the data seems fragmented on a USB DVBSky S960 - I can get ni2out --list to work sometimes, but most of the time the tools find the sync byte but then cannot further sync to the ETI. I think the raw (8192) output from the S960 is corrupting the non-standard TS packets in some way. Maybe it sets the "Transport Error Indicator" bit in byte 2.

andimik commented 1 year ago

I also have problems with the WDR: using TBS 5927 it works, but with TBS 6903x I have dropouts...

humaxboy commented 1 year ago

Is it possible that TRT DAB + on 42 E, 10952 V DVB-S/QPSK, SR 1808 3/4 left ? I have no signal for several days, before that it was around 13 db.