pires / consul-lb-gce

A smart Google Cloud Engine load-balancer manager for Consul backed services.
Apache License 2.0
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A smart Google Cloud Engine load-balancer manager for https://www.consul.io/[Consul] backed services.





The following will take care of generating code, build and run tests.

make all


Attention: Testing locally is not supported, but if you're feeling adventurous, take a look at https://github.com/pires/nomad-vagrant-coreos-cluster[this Nomad cluster with Consul integration].

Now, before deploying the nginx service example, let's compile and run the load-balancer manager. On another terminal window, execute:

gb build all
cat config.toml.sample > config.toml

(..edit config.toml accordingly..)

GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=~/Work/gce/my-project-1234567890.json bin/consul-lb-google -config config.toml -alsologtostderr

You should see something like:

I1218 16:20:36.877575       1 main.go:45] Starting..
I1218 16:20:36.877909       1 main.go:54] Initializing cloud client [Project ID: my-project, Network: my-network, Allowed Zones: []string{"us-east1-d", "europe-west1-d", "asia-east1-c"}]..
I1218 16:20:36.878178       1 main.go:61] Connecting to Consul at consul.service.consul:8500..
I1218 16:20:36.878198       1 main.go:69] Initiating registry..
I1218 16:20:36.878214       1 main.go:76] Waiting for service updates..

Deploy the nginx example:

nomad run web.hcl

Looking at the load-balancer manager terminal window, one should see something like:

I1218 16:21:07.931230       1 main.go:129] Initializing service [web]..
I1218 16:21:07.931263       1 cloud.go:78] Creating instance groups for [web]..
I1218 16:21:07.931269       1 cloud.go:81] Creating instance group [us-east1-d-web] in zone [us-east1-d].
I1218 16:21:11.751202       1 cloud.go:81] Creating instance group [europe-west1-d-web] in zone [europe-west1-d].
I1218 16:21:15.747546       1 cloud.go:81] Creating instance group [asia-east1-c-web] in zone [asia-east1-c].
I1218 16:21:19.653728       1 cloud.go:101] Created instance groups for [web] successfully
I1218 16:21:19.653771       1 main.go:135] Watching service [web].
W1218 16:21:19.653780       1 main.go:195] Adding instance [client-us-01.c.my-project.internal].
I1218 16:21:19.654187       1 main.go:203] Service has new port [11080]
I1218 16:21:19.654217       1 cloud.go:133] Adding 1 instances into instance group [web]
I1218 16:21:19.963843       1 cloud.go:182] There are 1 instances to add to instance group [web] on zone [us-east1-d]. Adding..
I1218 16:21:20.764763       1 cloud.go:187] There are no instances to add to instance group [web] on zone [europe-west1-d].
I1218 16:21:21.049794       1 cloud.go:187] There are no instances to add to instance group [web] on zone [asia-east1-c].
I1218 16:21:21.049813       1 cloud.go:191] Added 1 instances into instance group [web]
I1218 16:21:21.049820       1 cloud.go:244] Setting instance group [web] port [11080]..
I1218 16:21:22.229671       1 cloud.go:266] Creating/updating load-balancer for [web:11080].
I1218 16:21:53.131003       1 gce.go:546] Created/updated firewall rule with success.
I1218 16:21:56.995704       1 gce.go:557] Created/updated HTTP health-check with success.
I1218 16:22:02.429513       1 gce.go:568] Created/updated backend service with success.
I1218 16:22:06.350711       1 gce.go:574] Created URL map with success.
I1218 16:22:10.381194       1 gce.go:580] Created target HTTP proxy with success.
I1218 16:22:17.401182       1 gce.go:587] Created global forwarding rule with success.
I1218 16:22:17.401215       1 cloud.go:268] Load-balancer [web] created successfully.

Validate that load-balancing is working alright.

Now, stop it:

nomad stop web

Looking again at the load-balancer manager terminal window, one should see something like:

I1218 16:26:17.601174       1 cloud.go:273] Removing load-balancer for [web].
I1218 16:26:24.390783       1 gce.go:598] Removed global forwarding rule with success.
I1218 16:26:28.139698       1 gce.go:604] Removed target HTTP proxy with success.
I1218 16:26:32.001725       1 gce.go:610] Removed URL map with success.
I1218 16:26:35.774544       1 gce.go:616] Removed backend service with success.
I1218 16:26:39.477543       1 gce.go:622] Removed HTTP health-check with success.
I1218 16:27:07.202854       1 gce.go:628] Removed firewall rule with success.
I1218 16:27:07.202878       1 cloud.go:275] Load-balancer [web] removed successfully.
I1218 16:27:07.202886       1 cloud.go:109] Removing instance groups for [web]..
W1218 16:27:10.853607       1 cloud.go:115] Removed instance group [us-east1-d-web] from zone [us-east1-d].
W1218 16:27:14.319410       1 cloud.go:115] Removed instance group [europe-west1-d-web] from zone [europe-west1-d].
W1218 16:27:18.036865       1 cloud.go:115] Removed instance group [asia-east1-c-web] from zone [asia-east1-c].
I1218 16:27:18.036888       1 cloud.go:127] Removing instance groups for [web] completed successfully
I1218 16:27:18.036896       1 main.go:149] Stopped watching service [web].


The manager supports scaling the number of instances of a service as well.