Easily use ScrollMagic with vue.js (and nuxt.js...). Now production ready!!!
Try it in this fiddle .
The plugin only works with 2nd version of Vue.js. You don't need to include scrollmagic.js nor GSAP in your bundle or html, as they're included in the package (for the moment, I'll maybe remove gsap and create a new plugin for it in the future).
npm i --save ks-vue-scrollmagic
import KsVueScrollmagic from 'ks-vue-scrollmagic'
Create a ksvuescrollmagic.js file in yur plugins folder, and add it to yout nuxt.config.js file with ssr: false option
import KsVueScrollmagic from 'ks-vue-scrollmagic'
plugins: [{
src: '~/plugins/ksvuescrollmagic',
ssr: false
<script src="https://github.com/pirony/ks-vue-scrollmagic/raw/master/your/assets/folder/ks-vue-scrollmagic/dist/ks-vue-scrollmagic.min.js"></script>
Once installed, the plugin adds $scrollmagic and $gsap to Vue.prototype, to make them easily accessibles in every components.
To use them:
TweenMax.to('.whatever', 1, { autoAlpha: 0 }) // won't work
const scene = new ScrollMagic.Scene() // won't work neither
// Instead, do this:
// To use TweenMax or TimelineMax
vm.$gsap.TweenMax.to('.whatever', 1, { autoAlpha: 0 }) // Works in every components
// To use ScrollMagic
const scene = new vm.$scrollmagic.Scene() // Works in every components
The communication between components and ScrollMagic controller is done via an event bus, available at vm.$ksvuescr. You can emit and listen to:
Event name | Datas | Description |
addScene | scene name, scene object | Add a new scene to ScrollMagic controller |
destroyScene | scene name | Destroy a specific scene from ScrollMagic controller |
destroy | - | Destroy ScrollMagic and remove it all |
//some examples of using Ks Vue Scrollmagic events
created () {
this.$ksvuescr.$on('addScene', (sceneName, scene) => {
console.log(`${sceneName} has been added to controller`)
methods: {
destroyScrollmagic () {
this.$ksvuescr.$emit('destroy') // Destroy the plugin
To better understand how the plugin works, let's reproduce the "Wipes panels effect" (from Scrollmagic documentation itself, see original here) in a vue component.
First of all, let's create our template:
<div class="pinContainer"> // The panels wrapper, that has to be pinned during all our animation
v-for="(p, index) in panels"
:style="{backgroundColor: p.bgColor}"
> // Single panel element, used with with v-for.
{{ p.title }}
Then, we add a bit of css to style our elements
body {
margin: 0;
.pinContainer {
width: 100%;
height: 100vh;
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;
.panel {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
color: white;
Finally we dig into the js part
export default {
mounted () {
data () {
return {
title: 'panel 1',
bgColor: '#29b6f6'
title: 'panel 2',
bgColor: '#ef5350'
title: 'panel 3',
bgColor: '#ec407a'
title: 'panel 4',
bgColor: '#66bb6a'
methods: {
pinContainerScene () {
const Length = this.panels.length
// Create a new Timeline (equivalent to new TimelineMax())
const tl = new this.$gsap.TimelineMax()
for (var i = 0; i < Length; i++) { // For each panel in this.panels array:
let animFrom, animOutLetters;
switch (i) { // Set animFrom value, depending on the index i of the item
case 0:
break; // First panel is already visible on page load, so no animation
case 1:
animFrom = {x: '-100%'} // Second panel comes from the left
case 2:
animFrom = {x: '100%'} // Third one comes from the right
case 3:
animFrom = {y: '-100%'} // Finally, the last one comes from the top
if (i !== 0) { // For each panel except the one whom index is 0, create the tween and add it to the tl timeline.
// (To use GSAP easings, just prefix their name with this.$gsap)
tl.fromTo(`section.panel-${i}`, 1.5, animFrom, {x: '0%', y: '0%', ease: this.$gsap.Linear.easeNone})
// create scene and set its params
const scene = new this.$scrollmagic.Scene({
triggerElement: '.pinContainer',
triggerHook: 'onLeave',
duration: `${Length * 100}%`
// Add scene to ScrollMagic controller by emiting an 'addScene' event on vm.$ksvuescr (which is our global event bus)
this.$ksvuescr.$emit('addScene', 'pinContainerScene', scene)
destroyed () {
// Destroy ScrollMagic when our component is removed from DOM
You can visualize the result of this example in this fiddle .
If your facing difficulties to use it, find some bugs or unexpected behaviour... feel free to open a new issue, I'll try to answer you asap ;)
I'm just a lowly frontend developer trying to master ES6, so suggestions are more than welcome, not only for feature requests but also for coding style improvements.