piscinajs / piscina

A fast, efficient Node.js Worker Thread Pool implementation
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nearform-research nodejs performance pooling worker-threads

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piscina - the node.js worker pool


Written in TypeScript.

For Node.js 18.x and higher.

MIT Licensed.


Piscina API


In main.js:

const path = require('path');
const Piscina = require('piscina');

const piscina = new Piscina({
  filename: path.resolve(__dirname, 'worker.js')

(async function() {
  const result = await piscina.run({ a: 4, b: 6 });
  console.log(result);  // Prints 10

In worker.js:

module.exports = ({ a, b }) => {
  return a + b;

The worker may also be an async function or may return a Promise:

const { setTimeout } = require('timers/promises');

module.exports = async ({ a, b }) => {
  // Fake some async activity
  await setTimeout(100);
  return a + b;

ESM is also supported for both Piscina and workers:

import { Piscina } from 'piscina';

const piscina = new Piscina({
  // The URL must be a file:// URL
  filename: new URL('./worker.mjs', import.meta.url).href

const result = await piscina.run({ a: 4, b: 6 });
console.log(result); // Prints 10

In worker.mjs:

export default ({ a, b }) => {
  return a + b;

Exporting multiple worker functions

A single worker file may export multiple named handler functions.

'use strict';

function add({ a, b }) { return a + b; }

function multiply({ a, b }) { return a * b; }

add.add = add;
add.multiply = multiply;

module.exports = add;

The export to target can then be specified when the task is submitted:

'use strict';

const Piscina = require('piscina');
const { resolve } = require('path');

const piscina = new Piscina({
  filename: resolve(__dirname, 'worker.js')

(async function() {
  const res = await Promise.all([
    piscina.run({ a: 4, b: 6 }, { name: 'add' }),
    piscina.run({ a: 4, b: 6 }, { name: 'multiply' })

Cancelable Tasks

Submitted tasks may be canceled using either an AbortController or an EventEmitter:

'use strict';

const Piscina = require('piscina');
const { resolve } = require('path');

const piscina = new Piscina({
  filename: resolve(__dirname, 'worker.js')

(async function() {
  const abortController = new AbortController();
  try {
    const { signal } = abortController;
    const task = piscina.run({ a: 4, b: 6 }, { signal });
    await task;
  } catch (err) {
    console.log('The task was canceled');

Alternatively, any EventEmitter that emits an 'abort' event may be used as an abort controller:

'use strict';

const Piscina = require('piscina');
const EventEmitter = require('events');
const { resolve } = require('path');

const piscina = new Piscina({
  filename: resolve(__dirname, 'worker.js')

(async function() {
  const ee = new EventEmitter();
  try {
    const task = piscina.run({ a: 4, b: 6 }, { signal: ee });
    await task;
  } catch (err) {
    console.log('The task was canceled');

Delaying Availability of Workers

A worker thread will not be made available to process tasks until Piscina determines that it is "ready". By default, a worker is ready as soon as Piscina loads it and acquires a reference to the exported handler function.

There may be times when the availability of a worker may need to be delayed longer while the worker initializes any resources it may need to operate. To support this case, the worker module may export a Promise that resolves the handler function as opposed to exporting the function directly:

async function initialize() {
  await someAsyncInitializationActivity();
  return ({ a, b }) => a + b;

module.exports = initialize();

Piscina will await the resolution of the exported Promise before marking the worker thread available.


When the maxQueue option is set, once the Piscina queue is full, no additional tasks may be submitted until the queue size falls below the limit. The 'drain' event may be used to receive notification when the queue is empty and all tasks have been submitted to workers for processing.

Example: Using a Node.js stream to feed a Piscina worker pool:

'use strict';

const { resolve } = require('path');
const Pool = require('../..');

const pool = new Pool({
  filename: resolve(__dirname, 'worker.js'),
  maxQueue: 'auto'

const stream = getStreamSomehow();

pool.on('drain', () => {
  if (stream.isPaused()) {
    console.log('resuming...', counter, pool.queueSize);

  .on('data', (data) => {
    if (pool.queueSize === pool.options.maxQueue) {
      console.log('pausing...', counter, pool.queueSize);
  .on('error', console.error)
  .on('end', () => {

Out of scope asynchronous code

A worker thread is only active until the moment it returns a result, it can be a result of a synchronous call or a Promise that will be fulfilled/rejected in the future. Once this is done, Piscina will wait for stdout and stderr to be flushed, and then pause the worker's event-loop until the next call. If async code is scheduled without being awaited before returning since Piscina has no way of detecting this, that code execution will be resumed on the next call. Thus, it is highly recommended to properly handle all async tasks before returning a result as it could make your code unpredictable.

For example:

const { setTimeout } = require('timers/promises');

module.exports = ({ a, b }) => {
  // This promise should be awaited
  setTimeout(1000).then(() => {
    console.log('Working'); // This will **not** run during the same worker call

  return a + b;

Broadcast a message to all worker threads

Piscina supports broadcast communication via BroadcastChannel(Node v18+). Here is an example, the main thread sends a message, and other threads the receive message.

In main.js

'use strict';

const { BroadcastChannel } = require('worker_threads');
const { resolve } = require('path');

const Piscina = require('piscina');
const piscina = new Piscina({
  filename: resolve(__dirname, 'worker.js'),
  useAtomics: false

async function main () {
  const bc = new BroadcastChannel('my_channel');
  // start worker
    piscina.run('thread 1'),
    piscina.run('thread 2')
  // post message in one second
  setTimeout(() => {
    bc.postMessage('Main thread message');
  }, 1000);


In worker.js

'use strict';
const { BroadcastChannel } = require('worker_threads');

module.exports = async (thread) => {
  const bc = new BroadcastChannel('my_channel');
  bc.onmessage = (event) => {
    console.log(thread + ' Received from:' + event.data);
  await new Promise((resolve) => {
    setTimeout(resolve, 2000);

Additional Examples

Additional examples can be found in the GitHub repo at https://github.com/piscinajs/piscina/tree/master/examples

Class: Piscina

Piscina works by creating a pool of Node.js Worker Threads to which one or more tasks may be dispatched. Each worker thread executes a single exported function defined in a separate file. Whenever a task is dispatched to a worker, the worker invokes the exported function and reports the return value back to Piscina when the function completes.

This class extends EventEmitter from Node.js.

Constructor: new Piscina([options])

Use caution when setting resource limits. Setting limits that are too low may result in the Piscina worker threads being unusable.

Method: run(task[, options])

Schedules a task to be run on a Worker thread.

This returns a Promise for the return value of the (async) function call made to the function exported from filename. If the (async) function throws an error, the returned Promise will be rejected with that error. If the task is aborted, the returned Promise is rejected with an error as well.

Method: destroy()

Stops all Workers and rejects all Promises for pending tasks.

This returns a Promise that is fulfilled once all threads have stopped.

Method: close([options])

Stops all Workers gracefully.

This returns a Promise that is fulfilled once all tasks that were started have completed and all threads have stopped.

This method is similar to destroy(), but with the difference that close() will wait for the worker tasks to finish, while destroy() will abort them immediately.

Event: 'error'

An 'error' event is emitted by instances of this class when:

All other errors are reported by rejecting the Promise returned from run(), including rejections reported by the handler function itself.

Event: 'drain'

A 'drain' event is emitted when the current usage of the pool is below the maximum capacity of the same. The intended goal is to provide backpressure to the task source so creating tasks that can not be executed at immediately can be avoided.

Event: 'needsDrain'

Similar to Piscina#needsDrain; this event is triggered once the total capacity of the pool is exceeded by number of tasks enqueued that are pending of execution.

Event: 'message'

A 'message' event is emitted whenever a message is received from a worker thread.

Property: completed (readonly)

The current number of completed tasks.

Property: duration (readonly)

The length of time (in milliseconds) since this Piscina instance was created.

Property: options (readonly)

A copy of the options that are currently being used by this instance. This object has the same properties as the options object passed to the constructor.

Property: runTime (readonly)

A histogram summary object summarizing the collected run times of completed tasks. All values are expressed in milliseconds.

All properties following the pattern p{N} where N is a number (e.g. p1, p99) represent the percentile distributions of run time observations. For example, p99 is the 99th percentile indicating that 99% of the observed run times were faster or equal to the given value.

  average: 1880.25,
  mean: 1880.25,
  stddev: 1.93,
  min: 1877,
  max: 1882.0190887451172,
  p0_001: 1877,
  p0_01: 1877,
  p0_1: 1877,
  p1: 1877,
  p2_5: 1877,
  p10: 1877,
  p25: 1877,
  p50: 1881,
  p75: 1881,
  p90: 1882,
  p97_5: 1882,
  p99: 1882,
  p99_9: 1882,
  p99_99: 1882,
  p99_999: 1882

Property: threads (readonly)

An Array of the Worker instances used by this pool.

Property: queueSize (readonly)

The current number of tasks waiting to be assigned to a Worker thread.

Property: needsDrain (readonly)

Boolean value that specifies whether the capacity of the pool has been exceeded by the number of tasks submitted.

This property is helpful to make decisions towards creating backpressure over the number of tasks submitted to the pool.

Property: utilization (readonly)

A point-in-time ratio comparing the approximate total mean run time of completed tasks to the total runtime capacity of the pool.

A pools runtime capacity is determined by multiplying the duration by the options.maxThread count. This provides an absolute theoretical maximum aggregate compute time that the pool would be capable of.

The approximate total mean run time is determined by multiplying the mean run time of all completed tasks by the total number of completed tasks. This number represents the approximate amount of time the pool as been actively processing tasks.

The utilization is then calculated by dividing the approximate total mean run time by the capacity, yielding a fraction between 0 and 1.

Property: waitTime (readonly)

A histogram summary object summarizing the collected times tasks spent waiting in the queue. All values are expressed in milliseconds.

All properties following the pattern p{N} where N is a number (e.g. p1, p99) represent the percentile distributions of wait time observations. For example, p99 is the 99th percentile indicating that 99% of the observed wait times were faster or equal to the given value.

  average: 1880.25,
  mean: 1880.25,
  stddev: 1.93,
  min: 1877,
  max: 1882.0190887451172,
  p0_001: 1877,
  p0_01: 1877,
  p0_1: 1877,
  p1: 1877,
  p2_5: 1877,
  p10: 1877,
  p25: 1877,
  p50: 1881,
  p75: 1881,
  p90: 1882,
  p97_5: 1882,
  p99: 1882,
  p99_9: 1882,
  p99_99: 1882,
  p99_999: 1882

Static property: isWorkerThread (readonly)

Is true if this code runs inside a Piscina threadpool as a Worker.

Static property: version (readonly)

Provides the current version of this library as a semver string.

Static method: move(value)

By default, any value returned by a worker function will be cloned when returned back to the Piscina pool, even if that object is capable of being transfered. The Piscina.move() method can be used to wrap and mark transferable values such that they will by transfered rather than cloned.

The value may be any object supported by Node.js to be transferable (e.g. ArrayBuffer, any TypedArray, or MessagePort), or any object implementing the Transferable interface.

const { move } = require('piscina');

module.exports = () => {
  return move(new ArrayBuffer(10));

The move() method will throw if the value is not transferable.

The object returned by the move() method should not be set as a nested value in an object. If it is used, the move() object itself will be cloned as opposed to transfering the object it wraps.

Interface: Transferable

Objects may implement the Transferable interface to create their own custom transferable objects. This is useful when an object being passed into or from a worker contains a deeply nested transferable object such as an ArrayBuffer or MessagePort.

Transferable objects expose two properties inspected by Piscina to determine how to transfer the object. These properties are named using the special static Piscina.transferableSymbol and Piscina.valueSymbol properties:

Both properties are required.

For example,

const {
} = require('piscina');

module.exports = () => {
  const obj = {
    a: { b: new Uint8Array(5); },
    c: { new Uint8Array(10); },

    get [transferableSymbol]() {
      // Transfer the two underlying ArrayBuffers
      return [this.a.b.buffer, this.c.buffer];

    get [valueSymbol]() {
      return { a: { b: this.a.b }, c: this.c };
  return move(obj);

Custom Task Queues

By default, Piscina uses a simple array-based first-in-first-out (fifo) task queue. When a new task is submitted and there are no available workers, tasks are pushed on to the queue until a worker becomes available.

If the default fifo queue is not sufficient, user code may replace the task queue implementation with a custom implementation using the taskQueue option on the Piscina constructor.

Custom task queue objects must implement the TaskQueue interface, described below using TypeScript syntax:

interface Task {
  readonly [Piscina.queueOptionsSymbol] : object | null;

interface TaskQueue {
  readonly size : number;
  shift () : Task | null;
  remove (task : Task) : void;
  push (task : Task) : void;

An example of a custom task queue that uses a shuffled priority queue is available in examples/task-queue;

The special symbol Piscina.queueOptionsSymbol may be set as a property on tasks submitted to run() as a way of passing additional options on to the custom TaskQueue implementation. (Note that because the queue options are set as a property on the task, tasks with queue options cannot be submitted as JavaScript primitives).

Built-In Queues

Piscina also provides the FixedQueue, a more performant task queue implementation based on FixedQueue from Node.js project.

Here are some benchmarks to compare new FixedQueue with ArrayTaskQueue (current default). The benchmarks demonstrate substantial improvements in push and shift operations, especially with larger queue sizes.

Queue size = 1000
│ (index) │ Task Name                               │ ops/sec   │ Average Time (ns)  │ Margin   │ Samples │
│ 0       │ 'ArrayTaskQueue full push + full shift' │ '9 692'   │ 103175.15463917515 │ '±0.80%' │ 970     │
│ 1       │ 'FixedQueue  full push + full shift'    │ '131 879' │ 7582.696390658352  │ '±1.81%' │ 13188   │

Queue size = 100_000
│ (index) │ Task Name                               │ ops/sec │ Average Time (ns)  │ Margin   │ Samples │
│ 0       │ 'ArrayTaskQueue full push + full shift' │ '0'     │ 1162376920.0000002 │ '±1.77%' │ 10      │
│ 1       │ 'FixedQueue full push + full shift'     │ '1 026' │ 974328.1553396407  │ '±2.51%' │ 103     │

In terms of Piscina performance itself, using FixedQueue with a queue size of 100,000 queued tasks can result in up to 6 times faster execution times.

Users can import FixedQueue from the Piscina package and pass it as the taskQueue option to leverage its benefits.

Using FixedQueue Example

Here's an example of how to use the FixedQueue:

const { Piscina, FixedQueue } = require('piscina');
const { resolve } = require('path');

// Create a Piscina pool with FixedQueue
const piscina = new Piscina({
  filename: resolve(__dirname, 'worker.js'),
  taskQueue: new FixedQueue()

// Submit tasks to the pool
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  piscina.run({ data: i }).then((result) => {
  }).catch((error) => {

Current Limitations (Things we're working on / would love help with)

Performance Notes

Workers are generally optimized for offloading synchronous, compute-intensive operations off the main Node.js event loop thread. While it is possible to perform asynchronous operations and I/O within a Worker, the performance advantages of doing so will be minimal.

Specifically, it is worth noting that asynchronous operations within Node.js, including I/O such as file system operations or CPU-bound tasks such as crypto operations or compression algorithms, are already performed in parallel by Node.js and libuv on a per-process level. This means that there will be little performance impact on moving such async operations into a Piscina worker (see examples/scrypt for example).

Queue Size

Piscina provides the ability to configure the minimum and maximum number of worker threads active in the pool, as well as set limits on the number of tasks that may be queued up waiting for a free worker. It is important to note that setting the maxQueue size too high relative to the number of worker threads can have a detrimental impact on performance and memory usage. Setting the maxQueue size too small can also be problematic as doing so could cause your worker threads to become idle and be shutdown. Our testing has shown that a maxQueue size of approximately the square of the maximum number of threads is generally sufficient and performs well for many cases, but this will vary significantly depending on your workload. It will be important to test and benchmark your worker pools to ensure you've effectively balanced queue wait times, memory usage, and worker pool utilization.

Queue Pressure and Idle Threads

The thread pool maintained by Piscina has both a minimum and maximum limit to the number of threads that may be created. When a Piscina instance is created, it will spawn the minimum number of threads immediately, then create additional threads as needed up to the limit set by maxThreads. Whenever a worker completes a task, a check is made to determine if there is additional work for it to perform. If there is no additional work, the thread is marked idle. By default, idle threads are shutdown immediately, with Piscina ensuring that the pool always maintains at least the minimum.

When a Piscina pool is processing a stream of tasks (for instance, processing http server requests as in the React server-side rendering example in examples/react-ssr), if the rate in which new tasks are received and queued is not sufficient to keep workers from going idle and terminating, the pool can experience a thrashing effect -- excessively creating and terminating workers that will cause a net performance loss. There are a couple of strategies to avoid this churn:

Strategy 1: Ensure that the queue rate of new tasks is sufficient to keep workers from going idle. We refer to this as "queue pressure". If the queue pressure is too low, workers will go idle and terminate. If the queue pressure is too high, tasks will stack up, experience increased wait latency, and consume additional memory.

Strategy 2: Increase the idleTimeout configuration option. By default, idle threads terminate immediately. The idleTimeout option can be used to specify a longer period of time to wait for additional tasks to be submitted before terminating the worker. If the queue pressure is not maintained, this could result in workers sitting idle but those will have less of a performance impact than the thrashing that occurs when threads are repeatedly terminated and recreated.

Strategy 3: Increase the minThreads configuration option. This has the same basic effect as increasing the idleTimeout. If the queue pressure is not high enough, workers may sit idle indefinitely but there will be less of a performance hit.

In applications using Piscina, it will be most effective to use a combination of these three approaches and tune the various configuration parameters to find the optimum combination both for the application workload and the capabilities of the deployment environment. There are no one set of options that are going to work best.

Thread priority on Linux systems

On Linux systems that support nice(2), Piscina is capable of setting the priority of every worker in the pool. To use this mechanism, an additional optional native addon dependency (@napi-rs/nice, npm i @napi-rs/nice) is required. Once @napi-rs/nice is installed, creating a Piscina instance with the niceIncrement configuration option will set the priority for the pool:

const Piscina = require('piscina');
const pool = new Piscina({
  worker: '/absolute/path/to/worker.js',
  niceIncrement: 20

The higher the niceIncrement, the lower the CPU scheduling priority will be for the pooled workers which will generally extend the execution time of CPU-bound tasks but will help prevent those threads from stealing CPU time from the main Node.js event loop thread. Whether this is a good thing or not depends entirely on your application and will require careful profiling to get correct.

The key metrics to pay attention to when tuning the niceIncrement are the sampled run times of the tasks in the worker pool (using the runTime property) and the delay of the Node.js main thread event loop.

Multiple Thread Pools and Embedding Piscina as a Dependency

Every Piscina instance creates a separate pool of threads and operates without any awareness of the other. When multiple pools are created in a single application the various threads may contend with one another, and with the Node.js main event loop thread, and may cause an overall reduction in system performance.

Modules that embed Piscina as a dependency should make it clear via documentation that threads are being used. It would be ideal if those would make it possible for users to provide an existing Piscina instance as a configuration option in lieu of always creating their own.

The Team


Piscina development is sponsored by NearForm Research.