piskvorky / sqlitedict

Persistent dict, backed by sqlite3 and pickle, multithread-safe.
Apache License 2.0
1.17k stars 131 forks source link
data-store multi-threading python sqlite

=================================================== sqlitedict -- persistent dict, backed by SQLite

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A lightweight wrapper around Python's sqlite3 database with a simple, Pythonic dict-like interface and support for multi-thread access:



.. code-block:: python

>>> from sqlitedict import SqliteDict
>>> db = SqliteDict("example.sqlite")
>>> db["1"] = {"name": "first item"}
>>> db["2"] = {"name": "second item"}
>>> db["3"] = {"name": "yet another item"}
>>> # Commit to save the objects.
>>> db.commit()
>>> db["4"] = {"name": "yet another item"}
>>> # Oops, forgot to commit here, that object will never be saved.
>>> # Always remember to commit, or enable autocommit with SqliteDict("example.sqlite", autocommit=True)
>>> # Autocommit is off by default for performance.
>>> db.close()


.. code-block:: python

>>> from sqlitedict import SqliteDict
>>> db = SqliteDict("example.sqlite")
>>> print("There are %d items in the database" % len(db))
There are 3 items in the database
>>> # Standard dict interface. items() values() keys() etc...
>>> for key, item in db.items():
...     print("%s=%s" % (key, item))
1={'name': 'first item'}
2={'name': 'second item'}
3={'name': 'yet another item'}
>>> db.close()


By default, sqlitedict's exception handling favors verbosity over efficiency. It extracts and outputs the outer exception stack to the error logs. If you favor efficiency, then initialize the DB with outer_stack=False.

.. code-block:: python

>>> from sqlitedict import SqliteDict
>>> db = SqliteDict("example.sqlite", outer_stack=False)  # True is the default
>>> db[1]
{'name': 'first item'}

Context Manager

.. code-block:: python

>>> from sqlitedict import SqliteDict
>>> # The database is automatically closed when leaving the with section.
>>> # Uncommitted objects are not saved on close. REMEMBER TO COMMIT!
>>> with SqliteDict("example.sqlite") as db:
...     print("There are %d items in the database" % len(db))
There are 3 items in the database


A database file can store multiple tables. A default table is used when no table name is specified.

Note: Writes are serialized, having multiple tables does not improve performance.

.. code-block:: python

>>> from sqlitedict import SqliteDict
>>> products = SqliteDict("example.sqlite", tablename="product", autocommit=True)
>>> manufacturers = SqliteDict("example.sqlite", tablename="manufacturer", autocommit=True)
>>> products["1"] = {"name": "first item",  "manufacturer_id": "1"}
>>> products["2"] = {"name": "second item", "manufacturer_id": "1"}
>>> manufacturers["1"] = {"manufacturer_name": "afactory", "location": "US"}
>>> manufacturers["2"] = {"manufacturer_name": "anotherfactory", "location": "UK"}
>>> tables = products.get_tablenames('example.sqlite')
>>> print(tables)
['unnamed', 'product', 'manufacturer']
>>> products.close()
>>> manufacturers.close()

In case you're wondering, the unnamed table comes from the previous examples, where we did not specify a table name.


Keys are strings. Values are any serializeable object.

By default Pickle is used internally to (de)serialize the values.

It's possible to use a custom (de)serializer, notably for JSON and for compression.

.. code-block:: python

>>> # Use JSON instead of pickle
>>> import json
>>> with SqliteDict("example.sqlite", encode=json.dumps, decode=json.loads) as mydict:
...     pass
>>> # Apply zlib compression after pickling
>>> import zlib, pickle, sqlite3
>>> def my_encode(obj):
...     return sqlite3.Binary(zlib.compress(pickle.dumps(obj, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)))
>>> def my_decode(obj):
...     return pickle.loads(zlib.decompress(bytes(obj)))
>>> with SqliteDict("example.sqlite", encode=my_encode, decode=my_decode) as mydict:
...     pass

It's also possible to use a custom (de)serializer for keys to allow non-string keys.

.. code-block:: python

>>> # Use key encoding instead of default string keys only
>>> from sqlitedict import encode_key, decode_key
>>> with SqliteDict("example.sqlite", encode_key=encode_key, decode_key=decode_key) as mydict:
...     pass


Functions are well documented, see docstrings directly in sqlitedict.py or call help(sqlitedict).

Beware: because of Python semantics, sqlitedict cannot know when a mutable SqliteDict-backed entry was modified in RAM. You'll need to explicitly assign the mutated object back to SqliteDict:

.. code-block:: python

>>> from sqlitedict import SqliteDict
>>> db = SqliteDict("example.sqlite")
>>> db["colors"] = {"red": (255, 0, 0)}
>>> db.commit()
>>> colors = db["colors"]
>>> colors["blue"] = (0, 0, 255) # sqlite DB not updated here!
>>> db["colors"] = colors  # now updated
>>> db.commit() # remember to commit (or set autocommit)
>>> db.close()


.. code-block:: python

use JSON instead of pickle

import json mydict = SqliteDict('./my_db.sqlite', encode=json.dumps, decode=json.loads)

apply zlib compression after pickling

import zlib, pickle, sqlite3 def my_encode(obj): ... return sqlite3.Binary(zlib.compress(pickle.dumps(obj, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL))) def my_decode(obj): ... return pickle.loads(zlib.decompress(bytes(obj))) mydict = SqliteDict('./my_db.sqlite', encode=my_encode, decode=my_decode)


The module has no dependencies beyond Python itself. The minimum supported Python version is 3.7, continuously tested on Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10 on Travis <https://travis-ci.org/RaRe-Technologies/sqlitedict>_.

Install or upgrade with::

pip install -U sqlitedict

or from the source tar.gz <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/sqlitedict>_::

python setup.py install




$ pip install pytest coverage pytest-coverage

To perform all tests::

$ mkdir -p tests/db
$ pytest tests
$ python -m doctest README.rst

To perform all tests with coverage::

$ pytest tests --cov=sqlitedict

Comments, bug reports

sqlitedict resides on github <https://github.com/RaRe-Technologies/sqlitedict>_. You can file issues or pull requests there.


sqlitedict is open source software released under the Apache 2.0 license <http://opensource.org/licenses/apache2.0.php>. Copyright (c) 2011-now Radim Řehůřek <http://radimrehurek.com> and contributors.


Clean up the test database to keep each doctest run idempotent:

.. code-block:: python

import os if name == 'main': ... os.unlink('example.sqlite')