pistachiostudio / takohachi

gangsta discord bot ᕦ(+_+;)ᕤ
MIT License
6 stars 0 forks source link
discord discord-bot discord-bots discord-py discordbot docker lightsail poetry


🐙 Takohachi 🐙

GitHub top language GitHub Workflow Status GitHub Workflow Status Ruff GitHub issues Discord open in vscode

Takohachi is useless Discord bot.
But he has romance.

## 🐙 About これは[ピスタチオゲーム部親睦会](https://discord.gg/pistachiogaming)というDiscordサーバーのためのユースレスBotです。 ## ⚙ Functions https://github.com/pistachiostudio/takohachi/tree/main/src/cogs ## 🪂 installing Packages & Dependencies ### With rye🌾 [mitsuhiko/rye: An Experimental Package Management Solution for Python](https://github.com/mitsuhiko/rye) ```bash $ rye sync ``` ## 🏭 Auto deployment by GitHub Actions - [.github/workflows/deploy.yml](https://github.com/pistachiostudio/takohachi/blob/master/.github/workflows/deploy.yml) - Required secrets: - Server IP - Server Port - Server User - Sever SSH Key - Directory to deploy ## 🌊 Takohachi inhabits Lightsail ### Now ```mermaid flowchart LR Z(Codes) A(Docker) B(main
branch) C(Docker) D[(SQLite)] F(Codes) G[(SQLite)] H(.env) I(.env) J(((Discord))) subgraph Host Machine Z G A H end subgraph GitHub B end subgraph AWS Lightsail subgraph Ubuntu C D F I end end Z o--o H H -- run --> A Z -- Push --> B A o--o G B -- Auto
deploy --> F F o--o I I -- run --> C C o--o D C <--> J ``` ### Future Enchantment ```mermaid flowchart LR Z(Codes) A(Docker) B(main
branch) C(Docker) D[(SQLite)] F(Codes) G[(SQLite)] H(.env) I(.env) J[(SQLite)] K(((Discord))) subgraph Host Machine Z G A H end subgraph GitHub B end subgraph AWS Lightsail subgraph Ubuntu C D F I end end subgraph Enchantment subgraph AWS-S3 J end end style Enchantment fill:forestgreen style AWS-S3 fill:forestgreen Z o--o H H -- run --> A Z -- Push --> B A o--o J B -- Auto
deploy --> F F o--o I I -- run --> C C o--o D D -- mirror --> J A x-.-x G C <--> K ``` ## 🐳 Docker ### 1. Clone this repository ```bash $ git clone https://github.com/pistachiostudio/takohachi.git ``` ### 2. Create `.env` file on the root directory ```bash OPENAI_API_KEY='' TOKEN='' PREFIX='!!' CARDCOUNT_KEY='' CLIENT_SECRET='' DATABASE_URL='' DIC_KEY='' DRIVE_FOLDER_ID='' GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS='' INU_VC_ID='' NEKO_VC_ID='' KAME_VC_ID='' KYORYU_VC_ID='' LOG_TEXT_CHANNEL_ID='' SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID='' SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET='' SSLADD_KEY='' TAKOHACHI_JSON='' TRN_API_KEY='' ``` ### 3. Run ```bash $ docker compose up -d ``` 🔫 Yeah_bot_is_on_ready!! ## 🎨 Icons | by [Go Inagaki](https://hodwn.com/go-inagaki/) | by [Imoya](https://twitter.com/arakudai2) | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | | ## 🐕 Pistachio Studio 川崎のヒップホップ/録音/プロデューサーチーム。ヒップホップクルー = [CBS](https://youtu.be/A3oshdbRbBI)とそのバックバンドChicken Is Niceを中心に15年以上活動中。 全員30超え、仕事あり、家庭あり、ガキもあり、ペットもあり、かなり限界ながらも活動中。 [chelmico](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76sNmqMzUuI)というラップユニットの裏方や、シンガーソングライター [iri](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WlOZTy072k)のプロデュースなどもやっています。 [**ピスタチオゲーム部親睦会**](https://discord.gg/6XbCyRF)はPistachio Studioのメンバーが中心となって発足したエンジョイゲームコミュニティです。 ## 🔗 Links - [Pistachio Studio home](https://pistachiostudio.net/) - [Instagram](http://instagram.com/pistachiostudio) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/pstchstd) - [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/c/pistachiostudiokngw) - [Soundcloud](https://soundcloud.com/pistachio-studio) - [Spotify Playlist](https://open.spotify.com/user/2wf7ulo34ef46fu3awnq984wj?si=mm3fQfatR1OF2Kgr_uieGw) ## 🤝 License Takohachi is released under the MIT license. ©2024 Pistachio Gaming & Pistachio Studio.