pitt-cdm / twine--summer-nights-1

Summer Nights Project created using Twine for Composing Digital Media
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Project 4: Collaborative Interactive Narrative

Preview 1: 4/4 In this preview we are showing the basic steps of our game. Right now we have CSS and the steps a player will take when playing the game. Each of the players are crossing paths and have multiple passages they can take. We are really happy with where we are right now. We had the goal of letting each person in the project make their own paths to make the game their own, so far we have accomplished that. Once we finish and are happy with the paths, we are going to use computer percentages in the code that will give the game a definitive ending and winner. We did decide every time a player hits “go home” they will lose.

We also updated the introduction of our page and created an ending page. We do have some images to set the mood, but we will go in and make sure they fit well before the final draft. Twine was new to all of us, but we are all working together and getting the hang of it. We are also all pitching in different ideas and splitting the work. It has taken a lot of googling, but only a week into the project, we are making good strides and putting in a lot of work outside of class to help us accomplish our lofty goals for a final project.

We have been using a collaboration method via group text. When someone gets on the twine we text to let everyone know and then we also let them know when we push something so the next person knows to pull. So far it has worked really well. We know we still have some work to do, and if we have time we would like to add sound, but for now we are happy with our progress and hope everyone enjoys our game. Good Luck, don’t get caught!

Baseline criteria For a minimum grade of B, all projects for this unit must:

Aspirational inspirations To target (but not guarantee) a grade above a B, the best projects for this unit may...

Collaborative Guidelines

Will be in another file, to keep this one straightforward. See twine-and-collaboration.md.

Here's a summary:

flow chart of collaboration steps made with twine engine

Deadlines and products

At each stage, unless otherwise specified, upload (push) your materials to your group's copy of this assignment repository. I recommend that you save often, using meaningful commit messages; for best results, please keep your filenames clear, lowercase, and space-free (use hyphens or underscores).

If you are using Box, please nevertheless share a link to your Box folder prominently in your GitHub repository.

date what's due expected files
Thurs, 4/4 Group Twine Proposal Further thinking in writing about what you'd like to do for this assignment – and how you'll collaborate / divide the workload.
  • Post to a file in your repository called PROPOSAL.md
  • Optionally, you may wish to use your repository's Project tool to make a to-do list where you can assign tasks to members of the team and keep everyone posted on progress.
Tues, 4/9 Group Twine Preview An early snapshot of your progress, to get the gears turning. Turn in:
  • An html file exported from Twine using the Publish to File tool;
  • A static screenshot (.png or .jpg) of your narrative in progress, showing the story map of passages and links between them.
  • Any other files we'd need to successfully import and view your Twine – images, css to import (e.g. bootstrap), etc – should be pushed to the repo as well.
  • An updated README.md, explaining in at least 300 words what you're showing us in this preview. Feel free also to ask questions or lay out next steps for yourselves!
  • If necessary, credits for any assets used should be added to a clearly labeled passage in your Twine, and linked to from the title page.
Thurs, 4/11 Workshop-Ready Draft A solid attempt at a complete, playable game. Turn in the same components as for the Preview, but updated.
Tues, 4/16, at 11:59 pm Final Draft Turn in the same components as for the Draft, but updated. This deadline will give us one extra studio day on Tuesday 4/16, and one class day to play each other's games (and talk about the final reflection for the semester) on Thursday 4/18.