piuccio / sublime-esformatter

JavaScript formatter plugin for Sublime Text
MIT License
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Sublime EsFormatter - Sublime Text Plugin

Sublime EsFormatter is a JavaScript formatter plugin for the text editor SublimeText 2/3.

It is based on esformatter, an extremely configurable JavaScript formatter.

Unlike other beautifiers it gives complete control over the coding style.


You MUST have Node.js installed globally and included in your $PATH.

You can either install esformatter globally or under your current project's node_modules folder. This complicates the setup slightly but you can configure things anyway you want.

npm install -g esformatter


Using Sublime Package Control just search for


Manual installation

This is not recommended, but if you know what you're doing, go on:

Clone this repository or download and unzip inside


Windows XP

Windows 7



The default keyboard mapping is ctrl+alt+f or cmd+alt+f (that is super+alt+f).

You can change the key binding at: Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Package Settings -> EsFormatter -> Key Bindings - User.

  // ES Formatter key binding
  "keys": ["ctrl+alt+f"], "command": "esformatter"

If you are using a custom keyboard mapping, you may want to add the following line in order to restore the Replace Panel default functionality.

{ "keys": ["super+alt+f"], "command": "show_panel", "args": {"panel": "replace", "reverse": false} },

You can also run EsFormatter automatically when saving a file: Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Package settings -> EsFormatter -> Settings - User.

    // Format the file when saved
    "format_on_save": false


You can configure the options from .esformatter file, either in your project on globally in your home directory.

Refer to the configuration of esformatter


The python script simply calls the global version of esformatter. Make sure your changes work on all platforms.