L.Marzen ESP32 Weather EPD station software with additional features
Based on https://github.com/lmarzen/esp32-weather-epd (source code retrieved on 27/06/2024)
This repository contains an update of the Luke Marzen ESP32 Weather station software, adding some interesting features:
In the modified code, most of the customization options are moved to config.h
Using the Web server requires to identify a means for waking-up the station in web server mode: by default, this is triggered by hitting the internal button
Others alternatives are:
If not interested by the Web server, there is a custom option in config.h to disable it (comment or #undef WEB_SVR). Doing this, the "automatic pop switch" and the "pop and vol" features are still available
Concerning the Wifi credential and the location :
If any (wifi/location) value is defined, it is used as a default value: it is setup initially in first (wifi/location) entry and reinstated every time the parameters are reset
Once the Web server is started, a specific icon is displayed in the upper left corner and the Web pages may be acceeded using the IP of the station as URL (HTTP, because HTTPS not supported for this purpose)
The Web server terminates itself after 3 min without activity (by default), when the button is pressed again, or through "exit" on Web pages
When no Wifi network is available, and the Web button is pressed, the weather station acts as an Access Point (SSID "ESP32-Meteo", password "Weather.32"); the Web server is acceeded in this case at address in HTTP mode. In this case, the "No Wifi" page is displayed, but with an icon in the upper left indicating Web access availability
If not interested by the Web server, there is a custom option in config.h to disable it (#undef WEB_SVR, or remove, or comment). Doing this, you may still enable the "automatic pop switch", and the "pop and vol" features
This software remix does no longer need tuning the TIMEZONE and using NTP for time synchronization since the OWM service responses provides both the time information and the time offset relative to GMT based on the selected geographic location (lat/lon)
Otherwise, config.h may be customized as usual, relying on the indications found in comments
Last word: the URL https://www.printables.com/fr/model/929910-esp32-weather-base-remix-and-lmarzen-modified-soft provides a box remix compatible with the use of the internal FireBeetle button