pixel3rr0r / whatsapp_chat_dump

A small script for listing and exporting WhatsApp chats
MIT License
12 stars 2 forks source link
dump-chats export-to-html python whatsapp-chat whatsapp-chat-exporter


A small script for listing and exporting WhatsApp chat sessions into a readable HTML-File. It can now export

If requested, I will add voice message support aswell.


As of now, I am working on a rewrite, which includes several new features, including

Since I'm working on it in my free time, there is no fixed date for when it will be finished.


This project requires the following modules:

Furthermore, the ChatStorage.sqlite file (the WhatsApp Chat database) and the media folder must be in the same directory.


    wad.py dump_chats [--cd | <output>] [--all | --custom <sid>...]
    wad.py sessions [(find (--name <name> | --number <number>))] [--sort]
    wad.py -h | --help

    wad.py dump_chats --custom 7 11 420
    wad.py dump_chats "C:/Users/pixel3rr0r/Documents/Exported Chats"
    wad.py sessions --sort
    wad.py sessions find --name "Niels Bohr"

    --cd               Exports chats to the current directory (Default)
    --all              Exports every chat (Default)
    --custom           Exports one or more (seperated by space) given chat sessions
    --name             Finds all chat sessions with the given name
    --number           Finds all chat sessions with the given number
    --sid              Finds all chat sessions with the given Session-ID
    --sort             Sorts the list alphabetically
    -h --help          Shows this help message