pizug / cpi-sync

CPI Sync lets you download your SAP Cloud Integration content in an easy, structured, and automated way.
GNU General Public License v3.0
14 stars 2 forks source link
sap-cloud-integration sap-cloud-platform-integration

CPI Sync (cpisync.exe)

CPI Sync is a command line tool that lets you download and extract SAP CPI packages & artifacts to your local directories.

It has two main configurations that are documented below:

Quick Start Guide (binary)

  1. Download it from GitHub releases.
  2. Create an empty directory, and put cpisync.exe inside the directory
  3. Just copy the example config below, change the fields. Using the JSON create cpi-sync.json file inside the same directory.
  4. You can double-click on cpisync.exe and it will ask for the password while running.
    1. Alternative: You can start cmd or PowerShell, set the environment variable CPI_PASSWORD and then cpisync
      1. For Windows cmd.exe: set CPI_PASSWORD=yourpass
      2. For Windows Powershell: $env:CPI_PASSWORD="your`$pass" (You can escape special characters with backtick "`" character)
      3. For Linux: export CPI_PASSWORD=yourpass
    2. Alternative: See "Recommended Credentials: OAuth"

Quick Start Guide (docker)

If you have Docker installed. You can use the tool with it.

  1. Prepare the directory and the config file.
  2. cd to the directory
  3. Run the docker command below:
docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}:/data fatihpense/cpisync:0.3.4 --config ./data/cpi-sync.json

You can also pass environment variables and other input parameters like --no-input

docker run -it --rm -e CPI_PASSWORD='yourpass' -v ${PWD}:/data fatihpense/cpisync:0.3.4 --config ./data/cpi-sync.json --no-input

In order to just print the help you can run:

docker run -it --rm fatihpense/cpisync:0.3.4 --help

Example Config

  "cpisync": "0.2.0",

  "tenant": {
    "management_host": "change-tmn.hci.eu1change.hana.ondemand.com",
    "credential": {
      "s_user": {
        "username": "S000change",
        "password_environment_variable": "CPI_PASSWORD"
  "packages": {
    "local_dir": "relative/path/to/config",
    "filter_rules": [
      { "type": "single", "id": "TrainingPackage" },
      { "type": "single", "id": "eDocumentElectronicInvoicingforYou" },
      { "type": "single", "id": "MYPACKAGE" },
      { "type": "regex", "pattern": ".*", "operation": "include" },
      { "type": "regex", "pattern": "Test.*", "operation": "exclude" }

No clear-text password please!

You may notice there is no field called password and the tool will give error if it encounters one. That is a feature to prevent clear-text passwords. Current options are interactive or environment variable.

This feature makes the tool harder to use, but I think it worths the effort. And we can find both secure & more convenient solutions in the future.

CI/CD usage

There are two ideas here:

Recommended Credentials: OAuth

OAuth is recommended. If you are on Cloud Foundry, you can create Service Keys as explained in this blog post.

Create an OAuth client for your tenant. Use oauth_client_credentials object under credential for the configuration.

Example Config Part for OAuth

  "credential": {
    "oauth_client_credentials": {
      "client_id": "CPISyncAuthClientAPI",
      "client_secret_environment_variable": "CPI_PASSWORD",
      "token_endpoint_url": "https://oauthasservices-000change000.hana.ondemand.com/oauth2/api/v1/token"

Using with Git

prop_comment_removal option can be useful to have a clear Git history. parameters.prop files contain automatically generated timestamps in a comment, even if no development made for the flow.

  "packages": {
    "prop_comment_removal": "enabled"


When you download a new version of the tool. Schema version will be updated and you may need to change version like "cpisync": "0.2.0" , preferably after checking the documentation!

There may be occasional breaking changes on the format, advice & feedback from the community will play a big role.


Command Line Arguments Reference

    cpisync.exe [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -c, --config <CONFIG>          [default: ./cpi-sync.json]
    -h, --help                     Print help information
        --ignore-error-download    Ignore errors for downloading artifacts
        --no-input                 Disable features that require user input
    -V, --version                  Print version information

    -c, --config <config>    [default: ./cpi-sync.json]

JSON Config File Reference

Options for Packages Object Default Description
zip_extraction enabled Extract artifact contents, this is useful for Git usage. If you prefer to keep artifacts as .zip files for backup, disable this option.
local_dir "./" Directory to download artifacts, it can be relative to the config file or absolute path. By default it is the same directory that contains config file. Regular rules apply for Linux/Windows paths and JSON escape
prop_comment_removal disabled Removes auto-generated timestamp comments in parameters.prop. Useful for keeping Git history clean. Only works when zip_extraction is enabled. It is disabled by default since it changes content.
filter_rules - Filter rules to select packages for sync. It can contain simple package id or regex rules. Defaults to no package download.
download_worker_count 5 Concurrent handling of download per package content and per artifact download. It defaults to 5 workers.

Config file version can be older than tool version(Currently 0.2.0), this is to prevent unnecessary changes if there are no breaking changes to the config structure.

You can inspect config.schema.json under resources. You can use a tool like "JSON Schema Faker" to get more ideas about your options. Just paste the schema and click generate a few times!

You can also use "JSON Schema Validator draft-07" if you get too many errors on your config file.