pkasemir / find-the-command

Interactive command-not-found hook for bash and zsh, that uses pacman as a backend (BTW, this shit should be completely re-written as it's very ugly)
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Using pkgfile defeats the purpose #3

Open yochananmarqos opened 1 year ago

yochananmarqos commented 1 year ago

If you came to that conclusion, you don't know how Pacman works.

pkasemir commented 1 year ago

If you don't want to use pkgfile, then uninstall it. it works just fine with pacman

pkasemir commented 1 year ago

pkgfile provides faster results, and thus a better user experience.

yochananmarqos commented 1 year ago

No, it doesn't. It duplicates something Pacman can already do. I used the original find-the-command program instead of pkgfile because it was faster.

If your fork requires pkgfile, then... see title.

I'm done. Do whatever you want.

pkasemir commented 1 year ago

I don't know how pkgfile can be slower... in my testing it was always faster. The pkgfile DBs are much more efficient than the pacman DBs.

On top of that fish itself has decided to only use pkgfile because pacman is too slow. See