pkasemir / find-the-command

Interactive command-not-found hook for bash and zsh, that uses pacman as a backend (BTW, this shit should be completely re-written as it's very ugly)
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Find the command

Find-the-command is a bunch of simple command-not-found hooks, intended for using with pacman, it is primarily targeting Arch-based distros. It can use pacman functionality for searching files, introduced in 5.0 release, but if pkgfile is installed, it will be used since it provides faster search results.

How does it work?

Interactive shells have an ability to run a specified function when entered command is not found. So these hooks contain a simple function, which is run when shell fails to find any local executables in PATH, aliases and functions matching entered command. There are both interactive hooks, which are providing installation prompt and some other useful functionality (like showing info about package), and 'non-interactive', which are only displaying a package (or list of packages) that provides needed command.


$ git clone
$ cd find-the-command
$ makepkg -si

Alternatively, you can use yay:

$ yay -S find-the-command

To enable it, you need to source needed file from /usr/share/doc/find-the-command directory according to the shell you use. For example, to enable find-the-command zsh hook, you need to place the following in your ~/.zshrc:

source /usr/share/doc/find-the-command/ftc.zsh

You can also append some options when sourcing file to customize your experience.

Option Description Bash Zsh Fish
askfirst Ask before performing the search.
noprompt Disable installation prompt.
noupdate Disable asking to update (database).files when they are out of date.
quiet Decrease verbosity.
su Always use su -c instead of sudo.
install Automatically install the package without prompting for action.
info Automatically print package info without prompting for action.
list_files Automatically print a list of package files without prompting for action.
list_files_paged Automatically print a paged list of package files without prompting for action.

For example:

source /usr/share/doc/find-the-command/ftc.zsh quiet su

Searching for commands requires pacman or pkgfile files database. This is detected automatically by the find-the-command functions and will ask you to update when it is necessary. If you wish to run the command manually

# pacman -Fy
# pkgfile --update

If the program fzf is installed, it will be used to select the packages and show a nice preview of the package and it's files.

There is also systemd timer from package pacman-contrib to update pacman files database on weekly basis, so you are less likely to need to update it manually, just run once the following:

# systemctl enable pacman-filesdb-refresh.timer

Similarly, if using pkgfile you can enable the pkgfile update timer with:

# systemctl enable pkgfile-update.timer


Screenshot Screenshot Without prompt