pkayokay / biblereadinglog

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This project is a simple Bible reading tracker, you can try it at

The core features are:

  1. Multiple Reading Logs: create separate reading logs for your yearly plan, Bible study, or small group reading, all in one place.
  2. Timeless Tracking: no need for start or end dates.
  3. Email Reminders: stay engaged and consistent with friendly email nudges.
  4. Reading Groups: join others or invite them to read the Bible together.

Tech Stack

This is built on Ruby on Rails (Hotwire), TailwindCSS, ViewComponent and PostgresQL.

Working Locally

A prerequisite for this project is that you have Ruby and Ruby on Rails installed.

  1. bundle install
  2. yarn install
  3. bin/dev
  4. Visit https://localhost:3000.



  1. Prettier for .js files, run yarn format
  2. Standardrb for .rb files, run bundle exec standard --fix
  3. Erblint for .erb files, run bundle exec erblint --lint-all -a

To run all of them, run bin/lint in the terminal.