pkiraly / metadata-qa-wikidata

Quality assessment for the bibliographic records of Wikidata
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Quality of bibliographic data in Wikidata

This research project aims to reveal some quality issues of the bibliographic data inside Wikidata.

Researchers (in alphabetic order): Péter Király and Jakob Voß


The large files are stored on Github's Large File Storage. In order to work with them, install git-lfs:

build the code:

mvn clean install

run it

Resolve entities. It updates the entity file provided by --entity-file parameter.

java -cp target/wikidata-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar de.gwdg.metadataqa.wikidata.Client \
  --input-file data/wikidata/wikidata-[version]-publications.ndjson \
  --entity-file data/entities-12M.csv \
  --property-file data/properties-12M.csv \
  --output-file test \

Run the transformation from encoded JSON dump to "human readable" JSON

java -cp target/wikidata-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar de.gwdg.metadataqa.wikidata.Client \
  --input-file data/wikidata-[version]-publications.ndjson \
  --output-file data/transformed.json \
  --property-file data/properties-12M.csv \
  --entity-file data/entities-12M.csv

Run the entity class resolution

java -cp target/wikidata-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar de.gwdg.metadataqa.wikidata.Client \
  --entity-file data/entities-12M.csv \

Properties and entities files to be located in the data/ directory (property-file, entity-file parameters) will be provided in the project in the future.

More details

See the wiki pages.

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