pkliczewski / vagrant-kubevirt

Vagrant provider for Kubevirt
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Vagrant KubeVirt Provider

This is a Vagrant 1.2+ plugin that adds an KubeVirt provider to Vagrant, allowing Vagrant to control and provision virtual machines using Kubernetes add-on.

NOTE: This plugin requires Vagrant 2.2.3+. Due to the issue in net-ssh fixed here.


Future work


Install using standard Vagrant 1.2+ plugin installation methods. After installing, vagrant up and specify the kubevirt provider. An example is shown below.

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-kubevirt
$ vagrant up --provider=kubevirt

Quick Start

After installing the plugin (instructions above), the quickest way to get started is to actually use a Kubevirt box and specify all the details manually within a config.vm.provider block. So first, add the box using any name you want:

$ vagrant box add kubevirt

And then make a Vagrantfile that looks like the following, filling in your information where necessary.

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = 'kubevirt'
  config.vm.boot_timeout = 30

  config.vm.provision "shell" do |s|
    s.inline = "touch example.txt"

  config.vm.provider :kubevirt do |kubevirt|
    # kubevirt.template = 'working'
    kubevirt.cpus = 2
    kubevirt.memory = 512
    kubevirt.image = 'kubevirt/fedora-cloud-registry-disk-demo'
    # kubevirt.pvc = 'my_pvc'

    # kubevirt.hostname = '<kubevirt-host>'
    # kubevirt.port = '<kubevirt port>'
    # kubevirt.token = '<token>'

  config.ssh.username = 'vagrant'
  config.ssh.password = 'vagrant'
  config.ssh.private_key_path = ['~/.ssh/id_rsa']

And then run vagrant up --provider=kubevirt.

Box Format

Every provider in Vagrant must introduce a custom box format. This provider introduces kubevirt boxes. You can view an example box in the example_box/ directory. That directory also contains instructions on how to build a box.

The box format is basically just the required metadata.json file along with a Vagrantfile that does default settings for the provider-specific configuration for this provider.


There are 2 options to configure provider:

Kubevirt provider configuration options:

kubeconfig file

User can provide path to config file using KUBECONFIG environemnt variable or have it in well known location such as ~/.kube/config.

Domain Specific Options