pkp / datasets

Data sets generated by the integration test suite built into OJS, OMP, and OPS.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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OJS, OMP, and OPS Testing Datasets

This repository contains data sets generated by the integration test suite built into OJS, OMP, and OPS.


The data sets are organized in application / branch or tag name / dbms:

Within each dataset, you will find:


Note: These tools are generally intended to be run from the OJS/OMP/OPS installation directory, so you will likely have to specify the path to run them. In the examples below, this repository is available in ../datasets.

How this is maintained

OJS, OMP, and OPS contain a Cypress test suite for setting up a test environment with standardized data (OJS OMP OPS). These are called the data tests.

Our github repositories are configured with Travis-CI for continuous integration testing -- changes to these repositories result in Travis performing tests and reporting success/failure. This includes running the data tests (but also linting, unit and integration testing, etc).

Some builds in the Travis configuration are flagged using an environment variable (SAVE_BUILD; see .travis.yml) to indicate that the data resulting from the data tests should be saved. This saving is done in just after the data tests complete.

The data is transferred from the Travis VM to this github repository using a "machine user" Github account called pkp-machine-user. This user has an API token for the purpose, which is provided to Travis using an encrypted variable in .travis.yml.