pkufzh / CFD_1D_Sod_Shock_Tube

Numerical Simulation of 1-D Sod Shock Tube (MATLAB Codes)
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Numerical Simulation of 1-D Sod Shock Tube

The MATLAB codes for the realization of the numerical simulation of 1-D Sod Shock Tube (v1.0)


Author: pkufzh (Small Shrimp)

Course: Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

Submit: 2021/12/28

Version: v1.0


All the developed MATLAB codes are saved under the Codes folder.

Main Program

Attached Function Modules

Important Note: Please ensure the following files are placed in the same folder with the main program!

$$ \mathbf{F}{j + \frac{1}{2}} = \mathbf{F}{j + \frac{1}{2} L}^{+} + \mathbf{F}_{j + \frac{1}{2} R}^{-} $$

​ where $a$, $b$ is 1-Dimensional array with same length.

Exact Riemann Solution: Referred Functions by Gogol (2021)

Reference: Gogol (2021). Sod Shock Tube Problem Solver Click to the Website, From MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved December 28, 2021. The main codes were developed by the original author.



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Developed or Finished by pkufzh (Small Shrimp) on 2022/01/20.

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