pkuliyi2015 / sd-webui-stablesr

StableSR for Stable Diffusion WebUI - Ultra High-quality Image Upscaler
1.01k stars 55 forks source link
high-fidelity stable-diffusion stable-diffusion-webui stable-diffusion-webui-plugin stablesr super-resolution wavelet-decomposition

StableSR for Stable Diffusion WebUI

Licensed under S-Lab License 1.0



Relevant Links

Click to view high-quality official examples!

If you find this project useful, please give me & Jianyi Wang a star! ⭐

Important Update


  1. High-fidelity detailed image upscaling:
    • Being very detailed while keeping the face identity of your characters.
    • Suitable for most images (Realistic or Anime, Photography or AIGC, SD 1.5 or Midjourney images...) Official Examples
  2. Less VRAM consumption
    • I remove the VRAM-expensive modules in the official implementation.
    • The remaining model is much smaller than ControlNet Tile model and requires less VRAM.
    • When combined with Tiled Diffusion & VAE, you can do 4k image super-resolution with limited VRAM (e.g., < 12 GB).

      Please be aware that sdp may lead to OOM for some unknown reasons. You may use xformers instead.

  3. Wavelet Color Fix
    • The official StableSR will significantly change the color of the generated image. The problem will be even more prominent when upscaling in tiles.
    • I implement a powerful post-processing technique that effectively matches the color of the upscaled image to the original. See Wavelet Color Fix Example.


1. Installation

⚪ Method 1: Official Market

⚪ Method 2: URL Install


2. Download the main components

We currently has two versions. They have similar amount of details, but the 768 has less artifacts.

🆕 SD2.1 768 Version

SD2.1 512 Version (Sharper, but more artifacts)

While we use SD2.1 checkpoint, you can still upscale ANY image (even from SD1.5 or NSFW). Your image won't be censored and the output quality won't be affected.

3. Optional components

4. Extension Usage

5. Options Explained

6. Important Notice

Why my results are different from the official examples?


This project is licensed under:



Important Notice for Outcome Images


I would like to thank Jianyi Wang et al. for the original StableSR method.