plachert / real_time_cv

A streamlit-webrtc based package for visualisation of real-time CV processing
MIT License
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Real Time CV

Streamlit app based on streamlit-webrtc for visualising CV (Computer Vision) tasks in real time.

Table of Contents


The main goal of the app is to enable quick evaluation of CV models on real data in real time. It also provides an easy way to compare two models (or any other image processing) on real-time data by using a synchronization mechanism and displaying them side by side.

The application is supposed to be used as an installable package with processing functions being registered by the user (see Processors).


Three types of streams can be used as an input:

Currently streams are a fixed part of the code, that the user has no control over. If the provided solution turns out not to be flexible enough, it can be easily changed (please submit an issue if that is the case).


Processors are functions that operate on a frame (av.VideoFrame) and return a processed frame (also av.VideoFrame). They are supposed to be provided by the user in ProcessorPlugin (see Examples). These functions serve as video callbacks in webrtc-streamer object and run in separate threads.

ref_processor - the output of this processor is labeled as Reference

processor - there can be more than one. They will show up in the selectbox "Select processor". The output of this processor is labeled as Processed

The processed streams are independent unless we use synchronization mechanism (checkbox "Synchronize processors"). When it is checked the reference processor will wait for the other processor. This might be useful when comparing the quality of processors. Currently the synchronization is not symmetrical, which implies that the reference processor should outperform the other processor.

Getting Started


Run the following command in your virtual env.

pip install git+

Verify installation:

(venv) foo@bar:~$ python
>>> import real_time_cv
>>> real_time_cv.__version__


  1. Run this simple configuration as a streamlit app streamlit run
    from __future__ import annotations

import time

import av import cv2 from import run, DEFAULT_ICE_CONFIG from real_time_cv.processing import ProcessorPlugin

def identity(frame: av.VideoFrame) -> av.VideoFrame: return frame

def convert2gray(frame: av.VideoFrame) -> av.VideoFrame: image = frame.to_ndarray(format='bgr24') gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) time.sleep(1) # simulate heavy processing return av.VideoFrame.from_ndarray(gray, format='gray')

if name == 'main': dummy_plugin = ProcessorPlugin() dummy_plugin.register_ref_processor(identity) # There can be only one ref_processor dummy_plugin.register_processor('convert to gray', convert2gray) # There can be more than one run( processor_plugin=dummy_plugin, rtc_configuration=DEFAULT_ICE_CONFIG, # you can set your own rtc config (check layout='vertical', # this controls the layout of the streams (ref/processor) ['vertical', 'horizontal'] )

2. Here is a more practical example - semantic segmentation with YOLOv8. It requires ultralytics - `pip install ultralytics` and a trained model (`examples/`)

from __future__ import annotations

from pathlib import Path

import av
import streamlit as st
from import run
from real_time_cv.processing import ProcessorPlugin
from ultralytics import YOLO

HERE = Path(__file__).parent

if 'model' in st.session_state:
    model = st.session_state['model']
    model_path = HERE / ''
    model = YOLO(model_path)
    st.session_state['model'] = model

def identity(frame: av.VideoFrame) -> av.VideoFrame:
    return frame

def yolov8_segmentation(frame: av.VideoFrame) -> av.VideoFrame:
    image = frame.to_ndarray(format='bgr24')
    result = model(image)[0].plot()
    return av.VideoFrame.from_ndarray(result, format='bgr24')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    dummy_plugin = ProcessorPlugin()
    # There can be only one ref_processor
        'yolov8_segmentation', yolov8_segmentation,
    )  # There can be more than one


License: MIT