placidorevilla / PicasaSync

Synchronize a local directory of albums with your picasa account
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To install from source you can use:

sudo python ./ install

usage: picasasync [-h] [-n] [-D] [-v] [-m NUMBER] [-u] [-d] [-r] [-t [THREADS]] [-o ORIGINS] [--max-size MAX_SIZE] [--force-update [{full,metadata}]] [--delete-photos] [--strip-exif] [--transform TRANSFORMS] [--delete-albums] PATH [PATH ...]

Sync one or more directories with your Picasa Web account. If only one directory is given and it doesn't contain any supported file, it is assumed to be the parent of all the local albums.

positional arguments: PATH Parent directory of the albums to sync

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -n, --dry-run Do everything except creating or deleting albums and photos -D, --debug Debug Picasa API usage -v, --verbose Verbose output (can be given more than once) -m NUMBER, --max-photos NUMBER Maximum number of photos in album (limited to 1000) -u, --upload Upload missing remote photos -d, --download Download missing local photos -r, --update Update changed local or remote photos -t [THREADS], --threads [THREADS] Multithreaded operation. Set number of threads to use on album processing. If not given defaults to 1, if given without argument, defaults to number of CPU cores (4 in this system). -o ORIGINS, --origin ORIGINS Timestamp origin. ORIGINS is a comma separated list of values "filename", "exif" or "stat" which will be probed in order. Default is "exif,stat".

DANGEROUS: Dangerous options that should be used with care

--max-size MAX_SIZE Maximum size of photo when using --transform=resize. Default is 2048,2048. --force-update [{full,metadata}] Force updating photos regardless of modified status (Assumes --update). If no argument given, it assumes full. --delete-photos Delete remote or local photos not present on the other album --strip-exif Strip EXIF data from your photos on upload. --transform TRANSFORMS Transform the local files before uploading them. TRANSFORMS is a list of transformations to apply, from "raw", "rotate" and "resize".

VERY DANGEROUS: Very dangerous options that should be used with extreme care

--delete-albums Delete remote or local albums not present on the other system