plaid / plaid-openapi

API version 2020-09-14
91 stars 37 forks source link


Plaid uses the OpenAPI 3.0.0 specification to schematize our docs and to generate our supported client libraries. This provides for a consistent typing experience across our external interfaces. Below we have listed some examples and issues we have found when iterating on the specification.

Using the OpenAPI generator

You can find examples on the official OpenApiGenerator docs.

Generating Plaid supported client libraries

The following are approximate commands that we use to generate our 5 client libraries:


OpenAPI Generator version: 5.1.1

openapi-generator-cli generate -g typescript-axios  \
-i 2020-09-14.yml \
-o build/generated-node \
-p npmName=plaid,supportsES6=true,modelPropertyNaming=original \
-t local/templates/typescript-axios


OpenAPI Generator version: 6.1

openapi-generator-cli generate -g python \
-i 2020-09-14.yml \
-o build/generated-python \
-p packageName=plaid \
--global-property apiTests=false,modelTests=false \
-t templates/python


OpenAPI Generator version: 6.3

openapi-generator-cli generate -g ruby  \
-i 2020-09-14.yml \
-o build/generated-ruby \
--global-property=apiTests=false,modelTests=false,useAutoload=true  \
--library=faraday \
-p gemName=plaid,gemRequiredRubyVersion=">= 3.0.0" \
-t local/templates/ruby


OpenAPI Generator version: 5.1.1

openapi-generator-cli generate -g java \
-i 2020-09-14.yml \
-o build/generated-java \
--library=retrofit2 \
--global-property apiDocs=false,modelDocs=false,apiTests=false,modelTests=false \
-p artifactId=plaid,apiPackage=com.plaid.client.request,modelPackage=com.plaid.client.model,dateLibrary=java8 \
-t templates/java \


OpenAPI Generator version: 5.2

openapi-generator-cli -g go \
-i 2020-09-14.yml \
-o build/plaid-go \
--global-property=apiTests=false,modelTests=false,apiDocs=false,modelDocs=false \
-t templates/go \
-p packageName=plaid,enumClassPrefix=true,

All template edits can be found on their corresponding in the /templates folder for the associated library.

Known issues with openapi-generator

The openapi-generator often uses different styles based on the language you are generating.