planetfederal / registry

pycsw + elasticsearch + opensearch + swagger - Based on HHyperMap
MIT License
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Build Status (Enterprise Linux 7 RPM)

Registry is a web-based platform that captures geo-spatial content using CSW-T protocol. Information is indexed into the Elasticsearch engine allowing fast searches.


Assuming ubuntu 14.04 OS.

  1. Install and configure elasticsearch

    wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
    echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elasticsearch-2.x.list
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install elasticsearch
    sudo sed -i -e 's/#ES_HEAP_SIZE=2g/ES_HEAP_SIZE=1g/' /etc/default/elasticsearch
    sudo service elasticsearch start
  2. Get registry source code

    cd registry-master/

    Alternative using git

    git clone
    cd registry
  3. Installation of registry modules

    pip install -r requirements.txt
    pip install -e .
  4. Configure pycsw database

    python pycsw -c setup_db
  5. Database optimization (works only with PostgreSQL and MySQL)

    python pycsw -c optimize_db


  1. Run the test suite to verify everything is okay and install some dependencies like pytest for generating fake data.

       python test
  2. Run the server. The server will listen in port 8000

    python runserver
  3. List catalogs

    curl http://localhost:8000/catalog
  4. Create catalog using registry API

    curl -XPUT http://localhost:8000/catalog/<catalog_slug>/csw
  5. Add records into the database and search engine

    • Using CSW transactions.
      curl -XPOST -d @payload.xml  http://localhost:8000/catalog/<catalog_slug>/csw

    Note. You cannot records to Registry if catalog has not been created before.

    • From command line.
      python pycsw -c load_records -p /records/files/path/ -s <catalog_slug>
  6. Search api endpoint.

    • For all records.

      curl http://localhost:8000/api/
    • For a single catalog.

      curl http://localhost:8000/catalog/<catalog_slug>/api/
  7. Get record from csw.

    curl -XGET http://localhost:8000/layer/<layer_uuid>.xml
  8. Get mapproxy yaml configuration file.

    curl -XGET http://localhost:8000/layer/<layer_uuid>.yml
  9. Get mapproxy png.

    curl -XGET http://localhost:8000/layer/<layer_uuid>.png
  10. Re-index layers from pycsw database.

    python pycsw -c reindex -s catalog_slug
  11. Delete catalog.

    • Removing records using a server request.

      curl -XDELETE http://localhost:8000/catalog/<catalog_slug>/csw
    • From command line.

      python pycsw -c delete_records -s catalog_slug

You should see the indexed information. The a.matchDocs value refers to the number of layers returned by the search api.

Note. In registry, is possible to read all catalogs and layers. However, the catalog slug is necessary in order to add layers.

Swagger UI

For development and testing of search api using a standalone swagger-ui server, please do the following.

  1. Open Google Chrome without web-security.

    open -a Google\ Chrome --args --disable-web-security --user-data-dir
  2. Download and create a swagger instance specifying a different port.

    git clone
    python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8001
  3. Paste in the api selector, the endpoint for the registry swagger yml configuration file http://localhost:8000/api/config


  1. List layers uuid and save in a text file.

    python pycsw -c list_layers > uuids.txt
  2. Execute checking function for each layer uuid.

    cat uuids.txt | python check_layers > checked_uuids.txt
  3. Update Elasticsearch including reliability.

    cat checked_uuids.txt | python reliability


  1. Start elasticsearch

  2. Run tests

    python test


  1. Record parsing failed: 'Csw' object has no attribute 'repository'

    <ows:ExceptionText>Transaction (insert) failed: record parsing failed: 'Csw' object has no attribute 'repository'</ows:ExceptionText>

    Reason 1: Elasticsearch is not running. This makes pycsw to silent the error using exception. Start elasticsearch service.

    Reason 2: Database was not configured. Run in console python pycsw -c setup_db

  2. UNIQUE constraint failed: records.identifier.

    <ows:ExceptionText>Transaction (insert) failed: ERROR: UNIQUE constraint failed: records.identifier.</ows:ExceptionText>

    Reason: Records have been added previously into the database.

  3. To debug mapproxy for a single layer.

    • Install mapproxy locally.

      pip install MapProxy==1.9.0
    • Retreive from registry the yaml configuration file and copy.

      curl http://localhost:8000/layer/<layer_uuid>.yml > layer.yml
    • Create mapproxy local server using the downloaded configuration file. The server will listen port 8080

      mapproxy-util serve-develop layer.yml
    • Navigate through mapproxy web server and check the logs in terminal.

    • For arcgis servers, make sure the url path does not have the ?f=json. Also, verify that layer coordinates are in wgs84 projection.
