Check out our online demos.
Use node version LTS (Long Term Support) through nvm (
nvm install --lts
cd %examplename%
nvm use --lts
npm i
npm run build
npm start
npm run build
will create the minified js file for production use
npm start
will start up the debug server at http://localhost:3000/
npm run package
will generate a production version of the application.
Applications that need access to a local GeoServer will need to run (in addition to npm start
npm run start:proxy
this will start up the application at http://localhost:4000/ and will have a proxy to a local geoserver on port 8080 (proxy-config.json).
Add a NPM link to the SDK release directory. Go to the directory of your SDK git checkout and type:
npm run release
cd release
npm link
Add a NPM link to the SDK node_modules/react subdirectory:
cd ../node_modules/react
npm link
Add a NPM link to the SDK node_modules/openlayers subdirectory:
cd ../openlayers
npm link
Add the links to your SDK apps. After changing the current working directory to your sdk app type:
npm link @boundlessgeo/sdk
npm link react
npm link openlayers
Once complete go to the root of your sdk checkout and run the watchdog.
npm start
This will be the result on file system (check with something like: ls -l ~/.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.2/lib/node_modules/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 bartvde bartvde 53 jan 4 17:59 openlayers -> /home/bartvde/opengeo/git/sdk/node_modules/openlayers
lrwxrwxrwx 1 bartvde bartvde 48 jan 4 17:59 react -> /home/bartvde/opengeo/git/sdk/node_modules/react
The sdk symlink will be in a subdirectory called @boundlessgeo (ls -l ~/.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.2/lib/node_modules/@boundlessgeo/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 bartvde bartvde 37 apr 24 13:39 sdk -> /home/bartvde/opengeo/git/sdk/release