plantbreeding / BrAPI-Manuscript2

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BrAPI Project Manuscript V2

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Manuscript description

This is an updated manuscript for the BrAPI Project and Community. The first BrAPI paper was focused on the technical aspects of BrAPI and its potential. This manuscript gives us an opportunity to report on the project success so far and show how that potential has become a reality.

How to contribute

Everyone in the BrAPI Community is welcome and encouraged to contribute to this manuscript! You can contribute in any of the following ways:

  1. Checkout this repository, make edits directly, and submit a pull request.
  2. Create an ISSUE with your edits.
  3. Send edits directly to @BrapiCoordinatorSelby via email or Slack.

If you would like to be recognized as a co-author, please add your details to the file /content/metadata.yaml. Again you can do this with a pull request, an issue, or by contacting @BrapiCoordinatorSelby directly.

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