plasmaster09 / Jester-Bonus-World

A mod for Dicey Dungeons that improves and overhauls Jester's Bonus Round episode. Instead of picking your Finale Card, you now pick your entire deck- and elements of your run like booster packs and item pools are changed based on your deck choice!
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Scary crash with Halloween Special #12

Open user-jpgordon opened 3 years ago

user-jpgordon commented 3 years ago

Well, not so scary. No other mods loaded. Wanna continue -- this is a real fun mod!

package:        com.terrycavanaghgames.diceydungeons
version:        v1.11.1 / 1.0 (mod API)
sess. ID:       dicey_dungeons_2021-05-23_20'17'02
started:        2021-05-23 20:17:02
crashed:        2021-05-23 20:17:43
duration:       00:00:41
error:          ERROR in callscenemethod(Dungeon,update) static : Error: cannot find image "overworld/halloweenspecial_devil", stack = 
Called from displayobjects.HaxegonSprite.addimageframe (displayobjects/HaxegonSprite.hx line 53)
Called from (displayobjects/HaxegonSprite.hx line 37)
Called from displayobjects.DrawImage.prepare (displayobjects/DrawImage.hx line 88)
Called from (displayobjects/DrawImage.hx line 107)
Called from elements.GraphNode.drawfeaturegraphic (elements/GraphNode.hx line 174)
Called from elements.Floor.compose (elements/Floor.hx line 1792)
Called from states.Dungeon.update (states/Dungeon.hx line 180)
Called from Reflect.callMethod (/usr/local/lib/haxe/std/cpp/_std/Reflect.hx line 55)
haxegon.Scene.callscenemethod (haxegon/Scene.hx line 93)
haxegon.Scene.update (haxegon/Scene.hx line 53)
haxegon.Core.doupdate (haxegon/Core.hx line 265)
haxegon.Core.onEnterFrame (haxegon/Core.hx line 178) (starling/events/EventDispatcher.hx line 184) (starling/events/EventDispatcher.hx line 144)
starling.display.DisplayObject.dispatchEvent (starling/display/DisplayObject.hx line 778)
starling.display.DisplayObjectContainer.broadcastEvent (starling/display/DisplayObjectContainer.hx line 456)
starling.display.Stage.advanceTime (starling/display/Stage.hx line 108)
starling.core.Starling.advanceTime (starling/core/Starling.hx line 469)
starling.core.Starling.nextFrame (starling/core/Starling.hx line 455)
starling.core.Starling.onEnterFrame (starling/core/Starling.hx line 682) (openfl/events/EventDispatcher.hx line 443)
openfl.display.DisplayObject.__dispatch (openfl/display/DisplayObject.hx line 1236)```
plasmaster09 commented 3 years ago

That's... very unfortunate. Some testing on my end reveals it also happens with Mummy. Considering this definitely didn't happen before, the only conclusion I can come to here is that 1.11.1 broke it somehow, even though it really shouldn't have. I'll keep investigating.

plasmaster09 commented 3 years ago

Figured it out. Will push out a fix when school is done and I have the time. (It was due to the rename/rebrand that happened FOR DD 1.11, and me forgetting to rename a couple specific files accordingly.)