plasmaster09 / Jester-Bonus-World

A mod for Dicey Dungeons that improves and overhauls Jester's Bonus Round episode. Instead of picking your Finale Card, you now pick your entire deck- and elements of your run like booster packs and item pools are changed based on your deck choice!
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A mod for Dicey Dungeons that improves and overhauls Jester's Bonus Round episode. Instead of picking your Finale Card, you now pick your entire deck- and elements of your run like booster packs and item pools are changed based on your deck choice! (The decks are just InitialEquipment that give you the deck in a random order and replace themselves with the finale card- it's the best I can do right now.) Specifically, picking your deck changes:

-what booster pack reward choices you get at level 2

-the items affected by your level 2 reward choice

-some if not all of the possible items in the item pools (with the exception of certain decks)

-and for some specific decks, some other rule changes that you should see for yourself!

Deck List

Currently there are ten decks:

Classic- like Jester episode 1.

Parallel*- like Jester episode 5.

Elemental- focuses heavily on Burn, Freeze and Shock.

MegaQuest*- like Jester episode 1 in MysticSword's mod MegaQuest.

Alt Timeline- like Jester episode 1 in Green's mod Alternate Timeline.

Terrible^- like Jester episode 1, but worse in unique ways that may be blessings in disguise.

Patient*- like Jester episode 3 in AngelMoon's mod Cosmic Variations (everything is based around jinxes).

Thief- it's an ordinary day for an ordinary thief. Problem is, you're a jester.

Random- absolute random-card-copying chaos that needs to be seen to be believed.

Spooky*^- inspired by the official Halloween Special mod, focuses on "spooky" statuses like Haunt.

*Has a unique rule change.

^Is composed entirely or almost entirely of brand-new cards made by yours truly!