platformsh-templates / django4

Django 4 template starter for
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Django 4 for

Deploy on

This template deploys the Django 4 application framework on, using the gunicorn application runner. It also includes a PostgreSQL database connection pre-configured.

Django is a Python-based web application framework with a built-in ORM.



The following files have been added to a basic Django configuration. If using this project as a reference for your own existing project, replicate the changes below to your project.

Package managers

By default, this template uses pip to manage dependencies. The applications.yaml file has been defined to download the latest version of pip into the container, then to use it to install dependencies during the build hook when the file system is writable.

If, however, you would like to use another tool (pipenv or Poetry), alternate app configurations have been provided in the same file to use them. applications.yaml contains configuration for three applications in an array:

- !include
# - !include
# - !include

To use a different build and package manager, comment out the pip configuration object, and uncomment either the pipenv or Poetry line that links to their individual configuration files.

The presence of these variations is only meant to serve as a demo. If you are using this template as a guide for deploying your own project on, it's sufficient to create a file at the root of your repository, and then copy the contents of one of the desired configuration files into it (rather than including an applications.yaml with !include keys).
