play-co / bundle-server

Reference implementation of the bundle server
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A reference implementation of the bundle server API

Support will be added to devkit in the future for loading applications from HTTP servers following this specification. The spec does not currently cover DLC which may be investigated later this year.

Circle CI


Enable loading JavaScript, Images, Sounds, and other resources remotely instead of packaging them with .apk and .ipa builds.

Bundle Service

Devkit will support remote loading via a set of HTTP endpoints. The endpoints should be mountable either at a website root or nested under other resources. <base> in the following endpoints is an arbitrary base URL.

The functionality we need to achieve is getting a list of available apps, loading the latest bundle for a particular app, loading a particular version of a bundle for an app, and receiving incremental changes for real time editing of an app.

List applications


GET /<base>/apps

Return a list of available devkit applications

    "id": "UUID-123",
    "name": "Doki Stars"
    "desc": "Fast paced match-2 game",
    "icon": "relative/path/icon.png",
    "splash": "relative/path/splash.png"
    "id": "UUID-456",
    "name": "Hamster Hop",
    "desc": "A very hoppy hamster",
    "icon": "relative/path/icon.png",
    "splash": "relative/path/splash.png"

The relative paths in the icon and splash properties can be coupled with the file loading api to form an HTTP resource.

Get application info

GET /<base>/:app_id

:app_id should be an id returned from GET /<base>/apps.

  "id": "UUID-123",
  "name": "Doki Stars",
  "desc": "Fast paced match-2 game",
  "icon": "relative/path/icon.png",
  "splash": "relative/path/splash.png",
  "versions": [
    { "version": "v1.0.1" },
    { "version": "v1.0.2" }

Version identifiers need not be semantic. They could be git revisions or some other arbitrary identifier.

Get latest bundle

GET /<base>/:app_id/bundle/latest

Returns a zip archive of the latest bundle for :app_id.

Get bundle by version

GET /<base>/:app_id/bundle/:version

Returns a zip archive of bundle version :version for :app_id.

Listen for changes

GET /<base>/:app_id/watch

The endpoint can optionally be upgraded to a WebSocket channel. Long polling is the default operation mode for the endpoint.


A JSON payload will be returned indicating the files that were added, modified, or removed. Actions that did not occur in this change set will not be included as keys in the response. For example, if no files were removed, the response object would just have added and modified.

   "added": [
     { "path": "relative/app/path/file0" }
   "modified": [
     { "path": "relative/app/path/file1" },
     { "path": "relative/app/path/file2" }
   "removed": [
     { "path": "relative/app/path/file3" }

Get file by path

The watch API is complemented by this file loading API. It could additionally be used to load an entire bundle if we had an endpoint that returned a manifest for an application.

GET /<base>/:app_id/file/:version/:path

:version may have the special value of latest to grab the latest version.


The requested file. The Content-Type header will be set according to the file extension.