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Play support
Apache License 2.0
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Play support

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This is the Play backend support.



See the Java and Scala documentation.

Sample apps

Sample apps can be found here.

License and support

This software is licensed under the Apache 2 license.

As this software is still in beta status, no guarantees are made with regards to binary or source compatibility between versions.



Integration tests are written in JavaScript using mocha and chai, so that the JavaScript client can be used, to ensure compatibility with the reference implementation. They can be run by running test in sbt.

There are multiple different backends that the tests are run against, including one implemented in Java, one in Scala, and one in a multi node setup. To debug them, you can start these tests by running runJavaServer, runScalaServer and runMultiNodeServer from sbt, then visit http://localhost:9000. This will bring you to an index page will includes and will run the mocha test suite against the backend you started. From there, you can set breakpoints in the JavaScript, and inspect the communication using your browsers developer tools.

The test runner runs the tests against each of these backends, using phantomjs as the browser, and it extracts the test results out and prints them nicely to the console as the tests are running.

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