plberg / cs373-idb

Project 3 (IDB) for CS 373: Software Engineering
0 stars 1 forks source link's Celebrity Rap Sheet Website


This project is a website with information on celebrities and their alleged crimes.

Get the Project

git clone

cd cs373-idb

Install Dependencies

To install dependencies run

chmod +x

sudo ./

Create Postgres user and database

Make current unix user a postres superuser

sudo -u postgres createuser --superuser $USER

Get into postgres prompt

sudo -u postgres psql

Make a password, within the postgres prompt the unix username must be entered manually

postgres=# \password <USER>

After entering a password, enter '\q' to exit the prompt.

Make a new main and test databases

sudo -u postgres createdb celebsdb

sudo -u postgres createdb testdb

Grant user access to the celeb and test db (if new user who did not create the databases)

postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE "celebsdb" to <USER>;

postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE "testsdb" to <USER>;

Initialize the database

Before starting the website server, the database must be initialized, to do this run:


Running the production server

Once the database has been initialized, run this:

sudo ./ start

And let the script handle the nginx and uwsgi startup/configuration.

Debugging and Testing

Starting the debugging server

The website may be run for debugging purposes in flask without starting an nginx server. The server will listen to port 5000 by default, but a specific port may be provide with the -p option, as in the following command. Be sure that the database is initialized before starting server (explained above)

python3 -p <port number>

The port must be enabled to be accessed by external servers. If it is not enabled run:

sudo ufw allow <port num>

Running the tests

To run the unit tests execute the command
