plentz / jquery-maskmoney

jQuery plugin to mask data entry in the input text in the form of money (currency).
MIT License
964 stars 505 forks source link

jQuery maskMoney Build Status

Just a simple way to create masks to your currency form fields with jQuery.


To get the latest(minified) version, click here.

You can also use CloudFlare's cdnjs. Just choose the version you want to use here.

Show Time!

To view a complete demonstration of it's features and usage, access our examples page!


  <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
  <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
  <input type="text" id="currency" />
  $(function() {


The options that you can set are:

IMPORTANT: if you try to bind maskMoney to a read only field, nothing will happen, since we ignore completely read only fields. So, if you have a read only field, try to bind maskMoney to it, it will not work. Even if you change the field removing the readonly property, you will need to re-bind maskMoney to make it work.


We have 3 bonus methods that can be useful to you:

You can also configure maskMoney options using the data-* API instead of passing it as a hash in the .maskMoney method call. To use it, simply set the options using data-<option>, like this:

    <input type="text" data-affixes-stay="true" data-prefix="R$ " data-thousands="." data-decimal="," />

And when you bind maskMoney to that field, we will read those options. ATTENTION: for settings that isn't entirely lowercase, you will need to use dashes instead of capital letters. For example, to set allowZero, you will need to add a attribute called data-allow-zero.


To run our test suite, just clone the repo and open test/index.html. If you want to run it using nodejs, clone the repo and run:

npm install
bower install
grunt test



jQuery-maskMoney is released under the MIT license.