Import tracking data to Matomo via CLI and stdin.
./console help trackingcli:import
trackingcli:import [-s|--idsite="..."] [-c|--columns="..."] [-d|--delimeter[="..."]] [-z|--batchsize[="..."]] [-e|--fail-no-data] [inputfile]
inputfile Path to input file or '-' for stdin (default: "-")
--idsite (-s) Matomo site ID
--columns (-c) Columns map
Format: matomoApiArgumentName1|matomoApiArgumentName2|...
Example: url|action_name|ua
See for details
--delimeter (-d) Columns delimeter
Format: s - character, \digits - the character with the given decimal code
Example: |
Example: \0 (default: "\\29")
--batchsize (-z) Batch size when importing (default: 100)
--fail-no-data (-e) Fail if no rows imported
--help (-h) Display this help message
--quiet (-q) Do not output any message
--verbose (-v|vv|vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
--version (-V) Display this application version
--ansi Force ANSI output
--no-ansi Disable ANSI output
--xhprof Enable profiling with XHProf
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./console -vvv trackingcli:import -s1 -c'cdt|action_name|url|ua' -d'|' -z2 < data.txt
Requests imported: 3
Memory peak usage: 23068672