pllab / scheme2beam

Source compiler from Scheme to BEAM VM.
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This project is a source compiler that takes programs written in Scheme and compiles them to run on the Erlang VM, BEAM.



This guide assumes you have set up an opam repository. And if you don't already have Janestreet's Sexplib installed, you may run the following:

$ opam install sexplib

$ eval `opam config env`

Then, in src/, run make.

$ make


To compile a Scheme program, run:

$ ./s2b tests/factorial_test.scm > factorial-test.core

More tests are listed in the tests directory.

To compile a Scheme program and run our parallelization pass, run:

$ ./s2b tests/id2.scm -m > id2.core 

Run on the BEAM

To run on the BEAM, compile the .core files down to BEAM bytecode by running, for example:

$ erlc factorial_test.core

Then, in the same directory, open up the command-line interpreter for Erlang, erl and run:

> factorial_test:factorial(5).