plone / Products.CMFEditions

Provides versioning in Plone
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=========== CMFEditions

CMFEditions provides versioning in Plone.

.. contents:: Contents

Out Of The Box Experience

Versionable content items edit views now allows saving a version on save (automatically or manually). The version history may be accessed quickly from the view view.

Versionable content types also have an additional tab with version related functionality:

A content panel allows configuring the versioning policy by content type:

By default the contents of a folder is versioned independently of the folder. This may be changed through the ZMI and for specific cases on python level.

The current strategy is to save everything of the content item (incl. security information, workflow state, etc.). On retrieve some of these information are filtered out. This policy may completely be changed depending on specific needs (see modifiers below).


CMFEditions was from the beginning developed with extensibility in mind. A handful of tools provide the whole functionality:

Additional Documentation

A couple of presentations and ReSt documents may be found in documentation package that has to be downloaded separately (or the doc folder of CMFEditions).

The CMFEditions team also started adding documentation in the download area <> of You're welcome to help out.


CMFEditions is part of the Plone distribution and all dependencies are already included. Please refer to the dependency information of Plone for any details.

Migrating from Older Versions of CMFEditions

We know there are severe problems when migrating from 1.0alpha3, 1.0alpha4 or trunk checkout from May 2006 and before. Please contact us <> for assistance. We're interested in making migrations bullet proof.


Source Code

Contributors please read the document Process for Plone core's development <>_

Sources are at the Plone code repository hosted at Github <>_.

Credits & Sponsoring

Several people and organizations have made CMFEditions possible: