plone / Products.MimetypesRegistry

Provide a persistent registry of mimetypes for Plone
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================== Mimetypes Registry

Provide a registry of mimetypes, accessible via the mimetypes_registry tool.

Upgrade from older versions

If you want to use the updated mimetypes registry database from the version after 2.0.6 and you don't have important customizations you need to keep, just delete the old mimetypes_registry tool from ZMI and import all steps from the MimetypesRegistry profile.

How to update the mimetypes registry from

1) Download the latest release from freesdesktops org shared mime info project page <>_.

2) Unpack the tarball

3) Copy the file to Products.MimetypesRegistry's mime_types folder.

4) Add a note to the change log CHANGES.rst.

5) Push to a branch and create a pull request.



Mimetypes registry information from

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