plone / plone.scale

Contains image scaling logic for use in Zope environments. It supports Zope 2, Pyramid and other systems build on using the Zope ToolKit (ZTK).
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Damaged images fail on scale. #14

Closed jensens closed 3 months ago

jensens commented 8 years ago

Damaged images fail on scale, this info should somehow be shown to the user...

IOError: image file is truncated (56 bytes not processed)
  File "plone/buildout/eggs/plone.namedfile-4.1-py2.7.egg/plone/namedfile/", line 220, in __call__
  File "plone/buildout/src-addons/", line 48, in create_scale
  File "plone/buildout/eggs/plone.namedfile-4.1-py2.7.egg/plone/namedfile/", line 170, in create_scale
  File "plone/buildout/src/plone.scale/plone/scale/", line 51, in scaleImage
    image = scalePILImage(image, width, height, direction)
  File "plone/buildout/src/plone.scale/plone/scale/", line 164, in scalePILImage
    return _scale_thumbnail(image, width, height)
  File "plone/buildout/src/plone.scale/plone/scale/", line 98, in _scale_thumbnail
    image.thumbnail((width, height), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
  File "PIL/", line 1800, in thumbnail
    im = self.resize(size, resample)
  File "PIL/", line 1533, in resize
  File "PIL/", line 222, in load
    "(%d bytes not processed)" % len(b))
jensens commented 8 years ago

Btw., this is general, not image cropping related.

davisagli commented 3 months ago

There is a PIL setting we can use to let it make a best effort to load such images even if it detects they are truncated, instead of raising an error:

I think that's appropriate here. I would still like to see the part of the image that can be loaded (and in the case I'm looking at currently, it is not obviously broken).