plone / plone.scale

Contains image scaling logic for use in Zope environments. It supports Zope 2, Pyramid and other systems build on using the Zope ToolKit (ZTK).
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This package contains image scaling logic for use in Zope environments. It supports Zope 2, grok and other systems build on using the Zope ToolKit (ZTK).

Several design goals were used when writing this package:

In addition several implementation goals were defined:

.. _repoze.bitblt:


The most common way to use plone.scale is from a HTML template. In TAL syntax a typical usage looks like this, assuming you have hooked up an image-scaling view::

<img tal:define="scales context/@@image-scaling; thumbnail python:scales.pre_scale('logo', width=64, height=64)" tal:attributes="src thumbnail/url; width thumbnail/width; height thumbnail/height" />

With the pre_scale method, no scaling with Pillow actually happens yet. If you call the scale method instead, the scaling does happen. This generates a thumbnail of an image field called logo with a maximum size of 64x64 pixels. The dimensions of the resulting image (which might not be exactly 64x64) are set as attributes on the img tag to speed up browser rendering. Visiting the url will generate the scale if this has not happened yet.

If you prefer Genshi syntax and have the IImageScaleStorage interface in scope the syntax looks like this::

<img py:with="thumbnail=IImageScaleStorage(context).pre_scale('logo', width=64, height=64)" py:attributes="dict(src=thumbnail.url, width=thumbnail.width, height=thumbnail.height" />