plotly / Kaleido

Fast static image export for web-based visualization libraries with zero dependencies
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layout.images not shown in rendered output image #115

Open avsdev-cw opened 2 years ago

avsdev-cw commented 2 years ago

For some reason overlay images declared in layout don't get rendered in the output and no error is produced or returned.

I've tried web (google) hosted, local hosted (http://localhost/north_arrow.png), file relative (file://./north_arrow.png) and file absolute (file:///home/.../.../.../north_arrow.png)

I'm using kaleido from plotly R:

R version 4.0.4 (2021-02-15)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: BunsenLabs GNU/Linux 10.5 (Lithium)

The following layout + image declaration should display a NORTH arrow in the top right of the plot area, which works fine when using Firefox-esr: image

mp %>%
    images = list(
        source = "",
        xref = "paper",
        yref = "paper",
        x = 0.98,
        y = 0.88,
        sizex = 0.1,
        sizey = 0.1,
        xanchor = "right",
        yanchor = "bottom" 

(edited to update to a new image link... problem still persists)

gvwilson commented 2 months ago

Thanks for your interest in Kaleido. We are currently working on an overhaul that might address your issue - we hope to have news in a few weeks and will post an update then. Thanks - @gvwilson