plotly / Kaleido

Fast static image export for web-based visualization libraries with zero dependencies
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Guidance: Support for Other Graphing Libraries #135

Open cgdeboer opened 2 years ago

cgdeboer commented 2 years ago

I'm working on a production systems with some dependencies on non-Plotly JS based charting systems. After reading @jonmmease 's post from a while ago, and seeing the success this project has had, I thought Kaleido might be a good alternative to our current approach (headless browser controlled by Phantom JS).

I wanted to understand the long term goal of this project. If I were wanting to support something like chartist, D3, highcharts, amCharts, or morris.js, is the appropriate action to either:

  1. Open an PR that adds additional scopes to the main kaleido project.
  2. Fork Kaleido and focus support another lib there under a different pypi name.
  3. Some other path forward.
jonmmease commented 2 years ago

Hi @cgdeboer, I'm not with Plotly anymore and not using Kaleido actively. That said, I do still think the project has a lot of promise for use cases like you mention. I won't have bandwidth to do much development or maintenance myself, but I'd be happy to review PRs if you'd like to go that direction.

I'd also cc @alexcjohnson for the current Plotly perspective on the future of the project.